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  1. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    Its definitely hard to tell, she burrowed into a hole yesterday but didn't lay. I thought she was going to
  2. J

    Water came out of bearded dragon

    Yea I've had her treated for it before and it stank alot! I'm started to think there's something serious going on, maybe organ failure or something. She has lots of energy tho! Running back and forth on the bridge, pooping on my stuff every day Hahaha.
  3. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    Her beard is normal not black, I've never had one of my bearded dragons lay eggs but I don't think so. I really don't know for sure tho, she would have layed by now right? It's been about a week since she started acting differently
  4. J

    Water came out of bearded dragon

    Yea I bathed her yesterday, she drank some water from the tub too. So you might be right, I'm hoping it's a one off kind of ordeal. She pooped yesterday too and the poop and urate looked and smelt normal.
  5. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    Not great. Still haven't gotten her back to normal
  6. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    I also added an inch to my substrate, I don't think she is gonna lay. But I could be wrong.
  7. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    I changed out my UVB bulb, she seems to have calmed down. Everytime I turned the UVB off she stopped climbing into the mesh, she's still been pooping irregularly tho. And today she pooped straight liquid, I've never seen it before. It didn't have urate or anything, it was just liquid. Didn't...
  8. J

    Water came out of bearded dragon

    Hello, my bearded dragon is a year old female. Today she just pooped on her basking spot but ive never seen it look like this before, it didn't have urate or anything. I watched it happen and it looked like a water gun, it was just liquid. Has anyone experienced this before? The poop didn't...
  9. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    Will do, thankyou! My substrate is around 3 inches deep is that not enough to burrow?
  10. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    She does! She's almost a year old:)
  11. J

    Bearded dragon has been extremely active and pooping everyday

    My Bearded dragon has been super active lately and pooping every day which isn't normal behavior, she usually poops once a week. She's been showing some unusual behavior and I'm at a loss for what's going on, her poops look totally normal, her temps and humidity are right where they need to be...
  12. Jachin's Legacy Uploads

    Jachin's Legacy Uploads

  13. J

    Bearded Dragon Pissed please help!!!!! Urgent

    No she has never done this before. I took her cave out too see her a little more and maybe strengthen our relationship lol. It’s been fine so far and I’ve been trying to get brownie points by feeding here. It seems fine
  14. J

    Bearded Dragon Pissed please help!!!!! Urgent

    And I dont think its an open wound I could be wrong, but I think it was from her falling off my shoulder or onto the floor a couple times.
  15. J

    Bearded Dragon Pissed please help!!!!! Urgent

    Maybe, but this seems serious. I came back from school and she was still pissed at me, I came back and her beard was still puffed out but it was orange. Then I went near her and it turned black and she started opening her mouth again. Im starting to panic alot, I hope its not serious but only...
  16. J

    Bearded Dragon Pissed please help!!!!! Urgent

    Hello, this morning I treated my bearded dragon Gurdsin with Betadine and water as usually to treat her tail rot. And out of no where her beard puffed out which is very unsual , then when I was done the treatment I was going in to pick her up and bring her back when her mouth opened wide every...
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  20. J

    Is this tail rot? PLease Help asap

    alright sounds good and thank you I didnt even know. I will post pictures right now , and no there is no other Beardies with her.
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