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  1. whiskersmom


    That's too funny! The only reason I posted that first link is because it was the first to pop up on my search. When this was discovered one of our members had posted the original news link but it doesn't work anymore. There was a huge discussion here about it...I too, found it hard to believe...
  2. whiskersmom

    New pics of my little monster!PIC HEAVY

    Oh Phoenix is really beautiful, the color on that beardie is just to die for! 8) She likes to hunt, doesn't she? And it looks like she's good at it too! The last two pic's I think I see the beginnings of a Jaba beard! Speaking of Jaba when are you sending that big guy to me and remember, I...
  3. whiskersmom


    Actually, they found that they are venomous. Read this and this
  4. whiskersmom

    Buddy's Sick :( *Update 12/29*

    Awhile back I bought crickets from petsmart and the two times I did Whiskers ended up with pins. Is there another place you could buy minnows, perhaps on line? About the pic of a tape worm.....YUCK! That thing is in poor sweet buddy? GET IT OUT NOW!!!! It's ugly! :lol:
  5. whiskersmom

    Buddy's Sick :( *Update 12/29*

    I totally agree with not using Ivermectin, it would most likely kill Buddy. Droncit is what is used to rid reptiles of tapeworms. Are you sure that it's tapeworm? I thought tapeworm looked like rice??? It could be pinworms or even strongyloides which both would require Panacur to get rid of...
  6. whiskersmom

    Annoyed and rather mad (kind of)

    Do some research and print pic's (use Champs pics) of what neglect looks like and then show them those. If then they still won't change the husbandry or give you the iggy then there really isn't anything you can do except pray for this baby to not suffer too long. Good luck. :(
  7. whiskersmom

    Calling all AV experts....I need advice

    Thank you everyone for you advice....I really would like to make sure that dreaded virus is dead before I even think about bringing another precious beardie into my home. Speaking of steam, how about boiling water? Whisker's glass house is extremely thick so I doubt that it would crack, but if...
  8. whiskersmom

    Abnormal shed

    You can actually get bottles of pure aloe from Walmart or the produce section of most big supermarket chains sell the actual aloe leaf. :D
  9. whiskersmom

    Abnormal shed

    Most likely it's a stuck shed, tails are real hard to get them completed. Try the gel for a week and if you don't see a difference get ahold of a vet. But I'm pretty sure it's just a stuck shed. Good luck, let us know how it turns out, ok? :)
  10. whiskersmom

    Calendar missing a picture

    [Moved to Website Comments from General Discussion]
  11. whiskersmom

    Abnormal shed

    Beardies aren't like geckos, they don't shed their entire bodies at the same rate. And sometimes you'll feel (if your beardie is really young) that they are in a constant shed. I remember thinking that I would never get to see Whiskers real colors, that I'd been ripped off, the beautiful yellow...
  12. whiskersmom

    Midwest Ice Storm a Threat for Beardie Owners

    I wish you and your beardies well and warmth. And I sympathize with you...I'm in Michigan and they're forecasting 6-10" by mid day tomorrow! :dontknow:
  13. whiskersmom

    Calling all AV experts....I need advice

    Hey all, I need someone to tell me if there is a way to sterilize a glass tank and then be absolutely sure nothing, especially AV, lives through it. Can it be done and be absolutely 100% sure that the next beardie (that is, if I get another beardie) will not be able to contract that virus, if...
  14. whiskersmom

    Emergency Diet

    Definitely get some Critical Care, it really helped my dragons and my iggy bounce back from food strikes and starvations!
  15. whiskersmom

    Can I really use Tile?

    [Moved to Enclosures from General Discussion]
  16. whiskersmom

    What in your opinion is the all time best feeder insect?

    Please, try to keep your posts polite. We all have different opinions and preferences and that's alright but it's not alright to be rude to each other. Thanks!
  17. whiskersmom

    bab berdie just lost appitite on his crix but eats 10-12 pw

    [Moved to Feeding from Health]
  18. whiskersmom

    Domestic Dispute

    I have to agree with all that was said above....but with a big congratulations that this is the first time you've seen domestic abuse (Holly, that was just adorable! :lol: ), by now there is almost always fighting between a male and female. Not meaning to say that males can live together either...
  19. whiskersmom

    Bloody lip - might have injested something, not acting norma

    Definitely a good sign! Yippeee!!! :blob5: Don't forget us when you get the good news that your dragon is a happy, healthy, brat that likes to worry his beardie slave! :lol: We'll be waiting for the good news too! :wink:
  20. whiskersmom

    Possible Yellow Fungus? UPDATED

    Please don't be too hard on yourself....that poor sweet little baby was obviously suffering, there is no way that we would think you took the easier way out. The easy (yet cruel) way would be to selfishly hold on to him. He feels no more pain and that is a wonderful gift that you gave your...
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