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  1. Samus

    Looking to buy adult male Dubias..

    anyone have any for sale or willing to part with some? I am starting a colony and need to buy some time for it to establish itself so I want some males to feed to my dragon for now. I am looking for around 100 or so, anything would help. Thanks.
  2. Samus

    Cleaning out roaches

    I dont know if light kills them but I believe they get stressed out in the light so it is best to use a heat emitter that does not give off light they like it as dark as it can be. Using heat pads underneath is a good way to do that.
  3. Samus

    Temps for Dubias

    I just started my colony of Dubias, got around 300 to start the colony and about 16 adult pairs. I was wondering how my temps are, I measure with IR temp gun. It is 85-95 in hot spot under the egg crates, to heat the tub I put it on top of my dragons cage over the 100 watt Mega Ray MVB and it...
  4. Samus

    Where to buy Adult Dubias...

    I just got an order from The Roach Guy and got about 250 mixed nymphs and about 6 adult pairs...I was wondering where I can get just adults so I can speed up the production of my colony. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Samus

    Samus -- Before and after, at 6 mnths.

    Thank you all...Now I have my first order of roaches coming tomorrow ill be excited to see if she likes them.
  6. Samus

    Samus -- Before and after, at 6 mnths.

    Here is Samus my 6 month old translucent from blood bank dragons, she is almost 18 inches and 312 grams. This is a few days after I got her.... And this is today...
  7. Samus

    Cleaning poop off a keyboard?

    wait till he poops to let him on the keyboard, beardies usually only poop once a day and usually at the same time if you keep them on the same feeding schedule, I have my dragon out all the time and she has never pooped out of the cage.
  8. Samus

    Cleaning your Beardie??

    That would probably work but I would just take the water out. I know I wouldnt enjoy scrubbin my beardy or holding her with poop in her scales, my girl poops in the same spot and I just pull the rock out and dump it and rinse the rock off.
  9. Samus

    Sleeping places

    Samus must have fallen asleep while eating...this is the position she was in when I walked in the room the other night....
  10. Samus

    Where to find glass for enclosure..

    I have built my own custom cage now I just need to purchase the glass for the front sliding doors, does anyone know a good place to buy the glass?
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