Thanks for the advice, I just worry that it isn't shedding, nacho is my first reptile. So when something like this happens I get a little nervous ya know?
so here is a pic of my beardie, im not quite sure if this is what skin looks like before a shed but i know that his little hand is just about done shedding so i thought i would ask you guys. the dark spot around his eye is the normal color.
so im trying to get the lighting right on this so i can stop worrying. the light on the left is the basking bulb which is 100 and the lamp on the left is a CHE what can i do to boost the temps.
also here is a picture of my little buddy
hey thanks for the site! i looked around online for some reviews and saw some nasty things..... about the shop but it could be from just a few ppl with a bad exp. who knows. but none the less it still kinda of deturs me from wanting to purchase a beardie from there. i shall keep looking and if i...
im trying to find a breeder that may have a couple month old beardie, ya know cuz i have a tough scheduel but other then working im going to devote all of my time to this beardie because i want this to go right!
tyvm for the warm welcome! i hope to have a beardie soon!!! im super excited. ty for the info i will check them out but im looking for more local breeders so that i dont have to pay shipping... just gas lol
love the beardie pics! its so chubby i just wanna chill with it all day!!!! anyways im looking to start raising a beardie and im wondering in one of the picks it looks as if your tank is on a bakers rack is this true? and if so how well does it work? oh and gorgeous gecko BTW! Very bright! and...
im looking to purchase a beardie, and i have looked at TCR in store and i like the store and atmosphere but i want to explore my options. if anyone knows any breeders or speciality shops please post