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  1. Isis


    Charlie does this as well, when he wants to come out. Looks like he's dancing up at the glass, but then makes all the glass smeary and I have to clean the glass :x
  2. Isis

    I defended my dragon..

    I also have 2 rabbits, and I care a lot about them. They both live in a shed, and I get the comments, they're just rabbits, rabbit stew etc... I haven't had Charlie (beardie) for long and I'll probably get the same kind of comments as I would my rabbits. People are just *****s in my opinion, and...
  3. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    He's fast asleep right now, he looks so adorable :love5:
  4. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    Pepper is red, but I did give him some curly kale and spring greens, and I think he has eaten some, and a good amount of crickets today.
  5. Isis

    Our new Beardie is not eating !!! Help

    Sorry to hijack your thread, but louby13, you're from Ipswich. I'm from Colchester :D :wave: I am also having trouble getting Charlie to eat veg.
  6. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    Thank you for that, I THINK he is about a year old, I've tried him on a variety of veg and some fruit. I will give him a bath sometime over the next couple of days. He has fresh water in his viv (change every day) but haven't seen him drink from it yet. I will get him some worms, and try and...
  7. Isis

    Which veggies/fruits need to be peeled?

    Charlie loves grapes, he seems to just eat them :? But I've only had him since Sunday, and it is difficult to know what he has eaten with his previous owner, as I have no way of finding out. I do peel apples, only because I am a new beardie owner, and not sure if I should or not. But he...
  8. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    I've ordered him some reptile carpet, and will get slate or tiles to go in there as well.
  9. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    Going to take the sand out today, and put him on newspaper for the time being. I will use what I put my snake on, table protector. I think I have some at my boyfriends. He doesn't seem to be eating much veg at all, but does eat crickets. Not sure how to entice him to eat more veg or fruit.
  10. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    Thank you. Is there anything else you can recommend for a substrate? I was look at this stuff that was basically ground up corn?
  11. Isis

    Hey *Waves*

    I have so many questions... :study: About lighting and heat: At night, I've read that they need to be in darkness,and the temperature needs to be between 20-25c, but not to go below 17c, but all he has a UV light and heat light. Would it be a good idea to buy a heat mat? :oops:
  12. Isis

    Hey *Waves*

    Sorry, the only reptile I've ever owned is snakes, and I know they don't like to be in a viv that is too big.
  13. Isis

    Hey *Waves*

    Would he get stressed out if he was in anything bigger then 4ft?
  14. Isis

    Hey *Waves*

    I joined the forum, so I can learn more, then what a few pages from a book can teach me, learnt that through keeping rabbits. Just want to give the best life I can possibly for Charlie. But there was something I would like to know, I know the bigger the viv the happier he'll probably. But what...
  15. Isis

    Hey *Waves*

    I am new here, and new to owning a beardie. Even though I have done a lot of research many years ago, as I've always wanted one, but I am all new to this, but have kept snakes for years. I got him on Sunday, complete with a viv, which is about 3-4 foot, sand and a twisted log, water bowl and...
  16. Isis

    I am New Here, And Recently Rescued a Bearded Dragon.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am new here, and new to owning a beardie. Even though I have done a lot of research many years ago, as I've always wanted one, but I am all new to this, but have kept snakes for years. I got him on Sunday, complete with a viv, which is about 3-4 foot, sand...
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