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  1. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    I don't really have a favorite character. I think Ravenpaw and Barley are cool though

    I don't really have a favorite character. I think Ravenpaw and Barley are cool though
  2. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    I do!

    I do!
  3. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Why I haven't been on the website anymore.

    Thank you It has gotten a bit better but it's still painful and I cry when thinking about it
  4. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Why I haven't been on the website anymore.

    I unfortunately have very sad news. If you didn't know, my beardie Swordtail was experiencing lack of appetite and respiratory infection-like symptoms about 2 months or so ago. I brought him to the vet and the vets thought it was a respiratory infection too and gave me medicine for it. He...
  5. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking...

    I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣
  6. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Swordtail's reaction to getting a bath

    He doesn't like baths
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  9. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Comforting him during a storm

    Yeah, the toy is his girlfriend lol. He thinks she's real
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  11. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Comforting him during a storm

    He's scared of the thunder :(
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  13. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Just cleaned out Swordtail's habitat.

    He's not sad anymore. His stuff is all dry :)
  14. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Just cleaned out Swordtail's habitat.

    Don't worry, his stuff is all back in his enclosure
  15. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Just cleaned out Swordtail's habitat.

    I am currently waiting for his stuff to dry since I sprayed it down with my hose. "Where did all my stuff go!?"
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  17. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Same energy

    Couldn't get the fire to stay big enough ;-;
  18. Lyrebird.Rainwing

    Same energy

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