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  1. beardie

    Lucy got her own window today.

    I'd love to, but I don't have time this season to manage much. Lots going on with the "real life" stuff.... daughters in school, one very active with Karate (tournaments, etc.), assessing my current career path, getting a new car, mother-in-law visiting for Christmas, etc. So much all seems...
  2. beardie

    More relentless, massive spam posts remain on the site. It's a Temu takeover. There are about 40 or more of them clogging up the E.R .

    K. I think I've got them taken care of. I ran some searches and all I could find are already deleted, and accounts deleted and details added to bans.
  3. beardie

    How come, why?

    That's weird. I've never seen that happen before. I'll have to see what setting may be related to that error message when I get a chance. I haven't made any updates, so I'm not sue why it would have recently started. Sorry for the delay on response. Life's been a bit busy on my end.
  4. beardie

    Site loading time

    To chime in with the official response... haven't seen any issues on the server, and general response times seem to be normal. Something localized, I guess.
  5. beardie

    Expiring Edit and Delete buttons?

    The limit is a common thing on forums and largely because editing is intended for people to fix errors, or maybe short edit additions. But the ability to remove posts entirely or change the content after a while can create confusion, misrepresentation, etc. And this has happened in the past...
  6. beardie

    Inappropriate messages in fake profile posts.

    If they get reported, we usually take care of them within a day. If you do see any that you reported and didn't get taken care of, feel free to also PM me.
  7. beardie

    Website Outage 6/21/2024

    Yeah. Email was also still a problem. And that mail server is also my personal email (different domain). I had a busy day at work and didn’t even realize I had no personal email coming in (not even spam). I did a full reboot this morning which brought everything else cleanly. Upon closer...
  8. beardie

    Website Outage 6/21/2024

    Hello all, So, it was brought to my attention that the website was failing to load today. I saw this morning that some Google reports showed significantly reduced traffic levels, but I hadn't investigated it yet. But then, thanks to someone on Facebook messaging us there, I was able to find...
  9. beardie

    Mirror, mirror on the wall...

    It was an evolution. Many moons ago… when I was in my mid 20s (2000), I started a site to share pics of my own beardie, and share info I learned. It grew to eventually adding forums, and a community formed. The site’s peak (probably 4-5 times the visitors and traffic of today) was around...
  10. beardie


    I've been meaning to get one going (life has been busy lately). I as hoping to have one for October (Halloween and all). I'll try to get one started next week. That will be enough time for people to get and submit pictures, and for voting, before the end of the month.
  11. beardie

    MBD or Gout??

    @Drache613 I split the new posts into their own thread (was on a different/similar thread). Re-tagging Tracie, since she would have been notified of the older thread, I think.
  12. beardie

    Huge Apologies for Email Floods!

    I don’t think any, actually. I think xp29 has email notifications disabled. :)
  13. beardie

    Huge Apologies for Email Floods!

    @hdochow was the other really big one in the queue for some reason. Again.. some of the most active people, so it may have to do something with it. I just don’t know why/how it was repeating. I suspect that the mail server was re-queuing the failed message to try again when it could… but the...
  14. beardie

    Huge Apologies for Email Floods!

    Yeah. For some reason, your email address (and 1-2 others) were the most massive in the queue. Partly because you’re one of the most active people on the site, but I think something else was going on To cause your messages to loop in the mail server.
  15. beardie

    No longer receiving in-app alerts

    Well, I still don’t know why on-site alerts aren’t working in some cases… But some of you may have noticed that I fixed the email notification issue. Again…. Sooooooooo sorry about the flood.
  16. beardie

    Huge Apologies for Email Floods!

    I sincerely apologize for the massive flood of emails some people may have just gotten today. I just tried upgrading our mail server software and was looking into some errors. I then discovered why I think people were no longer receiving email notifications. I fixed that. What I didn’t...
  17. beardie

    RIP Soul Beardie Leonard

    So sorry for your loss. I know it’s tough losing a beardie. I’ve lost my share of pets, and none were easy. My heart goes out to you. And hopefully, as xp29 said, you’ll find room in your heart for another beardie someday. 😢
  18. beardie

    No longer receiving in-app alerts

    You have only had a few alerts (in the upper right) or notification emails? Do you have some specific examples? I can try and see what may be going on. I seem to always get alerts and email notifications for threads I’m watching… Oh… UNLESS you ignore the prior email notification. If you do...
  19. beardie

    No longer receiving in-app alerts

    @J4ckdaw- I see that there are alerts in your alerts list (bell on upper right). Is it that you’re not getting some? Or not getting any? What I did notice is that for some reason, you did not have a watch set on this specific thread. If you don’t have a watch on a thread you create you...
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