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  1. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    One more update for today, I was able to get some black soldier fly larvae and a couple wax worms. He was into the black soldier fly! I only let him have 3 medium ones today to see how his stomach responds. He also had a huge poop in the bath! The biggest I have seen for a long time! Yahoo...
  2. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Hello Tracie! He seems to be doing a little better. I think the Sulcrate Suspension was not doing any good for him, so I stopped giving him his doses on Monday. He seems less painful and more comfortable since I stopped. Too bad I was really hoping that the medicine would help, but beardies...
  3. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    His main staple is black soldier fly larvae, and my local petstore has started offering Silkworms too so he's been having that lately too. I have attached some pics of him showing his head fat pads which I'm worried about. His fat reserves in his tail is also very low. Thank you for the...
  4. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Ok will do! I have some Oxbow Herbivore already, I will start on that today. Thank you!
  5. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    So an update, He has been going downhill since the last update. He is refusing solid veggies, and his fat pads on his head are getting really sunken. I have been keeping up with liquid food twice a day, which has been sweet potato, pumpkin, pea, and prunes. He is still pooping in the bath once...
  6. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Great news! Yesterday he pooped on his own! I think the sweet potato has been doing its magic :) The downside is that his tummy seemed upset after. Puffed up his belly and had a grey beard and stayed like that for the rest of the evening. His system is still so sensitive. I might call up the...
  7. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Sounds good! Thank you for all the suggestions, I found some sweet potato baby food so I gave some of that yesterday and he seemed to enjoy it. I also got some pureed prunes as I've heard that can help with constipation. I offered that a couple days ago and he wasn't as keen on it. I'll keep...
  8. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    He's been eating lots of squash, endive, radicchio and safe veggies I know his stomach can handle. He still seems really backed up though :( I have been giving applesauce and drops of olive oil and he is pooping but not as much as I know he should be. For example, I gave him black soldier flies...
  9. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Yes he has had the squash before, and I remember him really liking it, but it's been over a year since he last had it. Supermarkets rarely carry it, but I went to a farmer's market over the weekend and snagged one. I had another thought! He tried a couple pieces of cherry for the first time on...
  10. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Mini update: Got an appointment scheduled for tomorrow. Just gave him some watered down apple sauce with probiotics which he seemed to perk up and like. Shortly after he pooped some soft stool and an urate that didn't smell as bad or as watery as last night. Hoping this is the last of what ever...
  11. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Thanks Karrie! Just came home from work and he looks better, eyes not as sunken, stomach not as painful, but still low energy and flinches when his stomach is touched. I am going to cancel the appointment today because I don't want to stress him out anymore at the moment, will reschedule in a...
  12. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Hello! I have another update. Last night at about 5:30 out of nowhere again he got a grey beard and suspended his tummy off the ground, looking very painful. He tried to poop a couple times, but only urate and clear liquid came out. He got worse, fully black beard and very yellow, sunken eyes...
  13. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    I am so surprised, this morning he looks great! Relaxed in his hammock, eyes look good and fat pads not as low as last night. Maybe what ever was bothering him has moved farther dow his system? I'm guessing its the black soldier fly, its the only thing that was new to him and its was his first...
  14. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Hello! I have an update, and unfortunately it is not a great one. He was doing great, gaining more energy each day, eating lots, poops and urates look normal. He even transitioned to eating salads a few days ago. Our routine has been veggies or veggie liquids in the morning and Repti-boost in...
  15. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Thank you! So today went about the same, he unfortunately didn't eat as much as Tuesday but I was also not home all day to offer him food whenever. He also didn't poop that much, another centimetre in the morning. Feel like he is constipated. When he was out running around this afternoon, he...
  16. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    His urates are more solid but still squishy and has a slight orange tinge to it, I assume that could be calcium? A new thing today is that his morning poop seems small for the amount of food he's been eating, barely a centimetre long. They have been around 2 inches the past week, very strange...
  17. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    We ran out of Repti-boost today so it was squash baby food all day today with all the supplements and he likes it just the same! Luckily a package of more Repti-boost came in the mail this evening so he'll get that tomorrow again. So far so good on the calcium, his urates haven't changed since...
  18. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Thursday and Friday were a little rough, he took a turn and on Thursday there was a little blood in his urate 😞, his system seemed pretty irritated. I think I pushed it a too hard on adding more food to his fluids so I cut back on food and stuck to more fluids. He responded positively to that...
  19. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Hi! He had his best day yesterday, and even wanted to run around after his bath! First time he seemed like his normal self since his this whole thing started. Been slowly introducing more food in his liquid food mixes and his tummy bothers him each time I do it, but he keeps everything down and...
  20. pogonavitticeps

    HELP! 8 years old Beardie threw up last night, and is now dehydrated and lethargic

    Oh good I'm glad I have the right stuff for him! He keeps getting better and better, got up to 2 ml of fluids/food every hour yesterday. Even got some liquidy Repti-boost in him. He also pooped! It was a white, hard urate, about an inch long and some liquid. I assume that the urate is hard...
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