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  1. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon with broken clavicle?

    I called park and they said they couldn't do anything for a fractured clavicle, I went to Aloha with Dr. beckes, and she didn't notice the fracture and gave me the oral medications, Dr. Williams at flamingo pet clinic didn't notice the fracture and gave me the pain meds and steroids. Sunridge...
  2. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon with broken clavicle?

    Thank you very much 😊
  3. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon with broken clavicle?

    I live in Las Vegas and I've been to 4 exotic vets all have done x-rays and most said he's old and has arthritis give him carprofen, one suggested, meloxicam after those didn't work and he was still Blackbearding and walking lopsided, one vet gave him prednisolone... All these oral medications...
  4. Dagnarok

    Permanent eye bulging for 5 years.

    Actually I look at my bulb packaging again and noticed it was the one that had D3 and had compensated for that by gettin Osteo-Form without D3 I'm sorry for the confusion. I was thinking about my old lighting the reptisun t5 at that time I had the D3 calcium.
  5. Dagnarok

    Permanent eye bulging for 5 years.

    Funny you mentioned that, we use a padded rubber linoleum tile, and sometimes industrial AstroTurf that we clean with chlorhexidine and then power wash, I just changed him to gravel from Australia, but if your concern is feeding, we don't feed him on the gravel since his eyesight is so hindered...
  6. Dagnarok

    Permanent eye bulging for 5 years.

    I don't have a copy of his blood workup handy but I'll try and take him to the vet again, but Everytime they do the test looking for vitamin deficiency or overdose they say he's fine, he eats collard, mustard and turnip greens, dubias, supers and hornworms trying to keep it 80% greens 20% bugs...
  7. Dagnarok

    Permanent eye bulging for 5 years.

    Thank you so much, I've been trying for years here in Las Vegas and I just can't seem to find a good vet, I just want to somehow alleviate the pressure so he can see properly again, I love my baby boy Kugmo, and want him to be happy.
  8. Dagnarok

    Permanent eye bulging for 5 years.

    My bearded dragon just turned 7 in October. He's had permanent eye bulging for 5 years now without deviation, I've been to multiple vets we've used ointments, antibiotics, checked for vitamin A overdose and deficiency and we've never been able to fix it, I use Arcadia 12% T5 high output tube...
  9. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    He's been like this for 3 or 4 years now, the part that makes me sad is that he has trouble seeing, he can still catch his worms but it takes many tries so my wife and I mainly hand-feed him, he's a spoiled little emperor lol Here are some videos of him trying to eat, although he's always gone...
  10. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    I'll go back to Park animal hospital and ask them to do a new workup, any recommendations on what to ask for in the test specifically? I refuse to go back to Aloha animal hospital or Lone mountain animal hospital because I believe they contributed to my beautiful baby MeKoos death.
  11. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    They're standard Zoo Med Repti Basking Spot Lamps with no coating.
  12. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    Doctor did blood work and said his heart and kidneys were fine and this came on when he was about 1 1/2 years old and have stayed the same ever since. But I can tell it affects his sight. And yes I have a 50 wat basking light without any writing on it, because I heard that might hurt their eyes...
  13. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    thanks for being an awesome member of this community and trying your hardest to help I'm sure these people you've recommended will help a lot
  14. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    Thanks so much, I lost my baby MeKoo 2 weeks ago to stomach cancer, and I don't want to lose my baby Kugmo too. they have a lot of followers on Instagram and TikTok, I've been utterly devastated over MeKoo, watch some of her videos if possible she was a much-loved and funny girl.
  15. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    they've been suck like that for 3 maybe 4 years and no vet has helped and I've tried everything else possible.
  16. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    Thank you so much buddy, actually, I do usually keep them much cooler, just depends on the time of year it's colder here right now
  17. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon bulging eyes for over 3 years, multiple vets to no avail (Super experienced vets appreciated)

    I've had Kugmo_Jr for over 5 years now and over time his eyes started to bulge, I read about vitamin A overdose, eye infections, and many other things, every vet I've been to in vegas has no idea, one said it was an infection and prescribed antibiotics and ointment, another said some are just...
  18. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon Supposed GNT (Cancer) I need closure badly

    Aloha was was my normal hospital and they were full so they recommend Lone Mountain... NEVER AGAIN for Aloha or Lone Mountain, and I have an appointment for Park animal hospital after reading about the owner Abraham Manimalethuw he's supposed to be a reptile specialist who also owns reptiles, so...
  19. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon Supposed GNT (Cancer) I need closure badly

    Mine was a similar situation, it was the end of the day as well, did you euthanize your baby or did she die naturally later?
  20. Dagnarok

    Bearded dragon Supposed GNT (Cancer) I need closure badly

    Thank you so much for your kind words <3
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