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  1. JenFid's Legacy Uploads

    JenFid's Legacy Uploads

  2. JenFid

    Beardie ate a toad! But puked it up. Next steps?

    One more small update: after her bath I offered her some butternut squash and she ate a bunch! Just a few minutes ago my husband came home and she got a couple nice big hornworms that she pretty much inhaled. She's pretty contentedly basking now - didn't want the clover I offered but I'm sure...
  3. JenFid

    Beardie ate a toad! But puked it up. Next steps?

    Yes she seems to be doing just fine, I'm so thankful! After I gave her the charcoal on Wednesday night all seemed OK, I made her lay in her basking spot until we went to bed and I put the CHE in there to keep that part of her tank in the 80s. When I woke her up yesterday morning she was very...
  4. JenFid

    Beardie ate a toad! But puked it up. Next steps?

    Yes, I actually have an emergency bug kit for her but wasn't sure if that was necessary since she already puked. It's probably 5 years old though, not sure if those go bad or not. edit - went ahead and gave her the charcoal per the dosing instructions (thank you Tracie/Drache613 for always...
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  6. JenFid

    Beardie ate a toad! But puked it up. Next steps?

    Hi all - well I never thought I'd find myself posting here after all these years but here I am. The subject says it all but here are the details: My 6 yo female beardie Starling snatched a toad while my husband had her out in the yard, unbeknownst to him. I was at work unfortunately so had to...
  7. JenFid

    Daedalus and Starling - RIP Sartharion :(

    Hey everyone, since my old thread got locked (over a year since my last post!) I guess I better start a new one. It's been a hectic year and I just haven't had the drive to post any updates. But as you can see we lost Sartharion, just a month ago :( He was just 6.5 years old, and I have no idea...
  8. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Glad to hear you're doing better Deb! :) So we had a successful first camping trip last weekend! Weather was beautiful, no mosquitoes. Starling enjoyed prowling our campsite. The campground had a bunch of hiking trails and she actually did really well riding on my shoulder. Everyone else is...
  9. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Oh Deb, sorry to hear about Leo :( I remember when you got Castiel, I'll have to stop by your thread to see how big he's gotten! And Imp is such a cutie! Some nice days coming up finally, warm enough to get the girls out. I took them out for about 10 minutes today even though it was overcast...
  10. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Hi all! Sorry for my long absence @_@ Lots of stuff has happened, main thing being my work moved offices and instead of having an office I'm now in a cube situation, and also the web filter blocked the forums which is where I did a good chunk of my posting :roll: So here's a quick run down...
  11. JenFid

    2016 Bearded Dragon Calendar Previews. PLEASE REVIEW

    Wow they look great! Good idea with the 5 calendars! Thanks for giving both my girls full pages, I'll order a couple at least for work and home :)
  12. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    It's a lot of fun camping with them! They're really no trouble at all, if you're prepared! That reminds me Deb, time to turn the timers down for everyone now that's it's getting darker sooner :( Right now they go off around 8, the girls are usually looking for snuggle spots by 6:30 though...
  13. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Ok, here are the pics finally from last weekend! Driving up Burr, cold :( Actually not cold so much as there wasn't any sun to bask in, but still fairly warm. Was like that both Friday and Saturday! Treat from dad Cruising the campsite! A couple glamour shots And we tried some...
  14. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Oh thanks! It's a Nikon D3300. I am definitely planning on submitting a few for the calendar! I got some good ones of Starling from camping last weekend, I'll upload them one we're back home from the long weekend. Camping was very fun though, weather could have been better but overall it was...
  15. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Hi Rheagal - how fun you're taking your guy camping :) I would suggest one or two of those 48 hour heat packs they use to ship reptiles/insects...I'm at work so can't link directly to them on Amazon, the brand is "Uniheat" though. If it's chilly at night you can open one of those and put it in...
  16. JenFid

    Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

    Awe, one down! I'm still waiting for Sarth to make up his mind, he'd usually be asleep by now. I had to go back and look up when I said Daedles went to sleep last year, looks like it was right on Halloween, so I'll have to keep an eye on her towards the end of October and see if she's exhibiting...
  17. JenFid

    Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

    Brumating around this time isn't too unusual. Sarth has been going down mid-end of August since I've had him, except for his first year. I actually thought he was starting it last week when he was sleeping in his hide for 3 days straight, but then he came back out. Holding out to see if I'll...
  18. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Unfortunately I don't think the anti-inflammatory does anything besides make me wake up feeling nauseous! That's happened both times I've taken it (one with the relaxer, one by itself). At some point in the wee hours of the morning I just wake up feeling sick - then it passes and I can go back...
  19. JenFid

    Sarth, Daeds, & Starling **5/28 First Camping Trip Pics!**

    Last night I took the muscle relaxer and an anti-inflammatory about an hour before bed. I still got the tingly sensation when I was getting to sleep, not very painful, but woke up without pain this morning, so that's a bonus. I'm going to do some experimenting and use nothing tonight, then try...
  20. JenFid

    Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

    Ouch! Right through the nail? Eeeee! People always ask me if the dragons bite...and I always say, 'well, not on purpose!'. I've gotten chomped enough, fortunately they don't have lots of sharp teeth :p
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