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  1. C

    so sad i want one so much

    Time goes by faster than you think. I came here in 7th grade, and now I'm a Junior in high school. Busy yourself with other things. The time will come eventually man!
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    Petsmart experience

    Essentially, it's because they are a business. Their whole point is to make as much money as possible, even at the expense of the animals. The most likely scenario in my opinion is that Petsmart buys bulk rodents and other supplies, and then just uses that to take care of all their animals...
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    Watch out for addiction. I've heard of beardies getting addicted and have had personal experience with my own getting addicted. It wasn't too fun to deal with, so be careful. Like Brandon said, 2 is a good amount.
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    wheat bran?

    You can keep them in wheat bran. I would personally recommend keeping them in oats or highly nutritious gutload. Oh, and make sure to keep them hydrated, I've read that if you don't it causes cannibalism. :shock:
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    I know that a lot of people on here breed and feed their beardies dubia roaches. Once your beardie gets bigger, you could also consider super worms instead of crickets.
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    blankets for beardies?

    My beardie utilized hers during the winter months when it got a bit cooler in her tank. Mine went on it on her own, though at night I used to cover her up with it to keep her warmer. I never had an issue with mine pooping on her blanket. What to look for....uh...mine was made out of kind of a...
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    Rest in Peace my Baby Jessica

    Hey there everyone. Sad and confusing day for me. My beloved baby beardie Jessica passed away around 1:00 A.M. this morning. She ate fine and acted fine the day before, but when I came into my room to go to bed, she was lying on her cage floor not breathing. I have no clue in **** why this...
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    how i got my lizard!

    Awesome beardie! He has great colors! I can also relate to parents not letting you get your own reptile. I wanted a reptile ever since I was...6 years old? Now, 8 years later, my parents finally let me get one. Good luck with Drako!
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    how i got my lizard!

    Got any pics to post? Congrats on your beardie!
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    Diarrhea in a Young Beardie?

    No she hasn't been checked yet. How often should I have her checked by a reptile vet?
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    Diarrhea in a Young Beardie?

    Hey everyone, just a quick question. My beardie Jessica has diarrhea. The first time was today, and I am worried that something may be wrong with her. Here's a quick rundown of her setup: She's about 8 months old. Temps: Basking Temp: 105* Hot side Temp: 98* Cool side Temp: 85* Basking light...
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    Anyone have a PDF of Hots 101?

    I've been going crazy trying to find a PDF copy of Hots 101 by Allen Hunter. It goes in depth about owning venomous snakes and I would like to have a copy for the future. If anyone has a FULL copy, or knows where to get one, please tell me. Thanks so much! :mrgreen: BTW this book isn't...
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    new to snakes, looking for opinions

    I had to put in my two cents to this thread. Western hognose snakes do not get very big and can make great beginner snakes. It's a bit tough to get them to eat at first, but if you have the breeder change them over to mice, then it should go smoothly. They are mildly venemous, but not dangerous...
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    Studly Dudley! ♥ *Massive Picture Overload 7/30*

    Nice pics! Glad everyone's doing well. :D -Sam
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    Zoo-Med Basking Bulb Burning Out?

    I'll do that. Thanks for helping! :)
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    Zoo-Med Basking Bulb Burning Out?

    Forgot to mention that I picket it up at a local p** s****. :shock: Wasn't my absolute proudest moment, but it was an emergency. The new bulb is doing fine and Jessica is really enjoying it. :)
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    Zoo-Med Basking Bulb Burning Out?

    Hey there everyone! Oddly enough, I have had to replace my light bulb twice this week. My first bulb burned out, but I had that since August, when I first got her. The second bulb I got burned out after only two days, and it was a zoo-med basking bulb. Here's a link for it...
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    Studly Dudley! ♥ *Massive Picture Overload 7/30*

    Poor Stan! At least it came out, that was on the verge of becoming an eye cap. Glad he's doing somewhat better, and take good care of him. -Sam
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    Studly Dudley! ♥ *Massive Picture Overload 7/30*

    Glad Stan's doing well and eating fine! Hope everything else is going alright!
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    Studly Dudley! ♥ *Massive Picture Overload 7/30*

    Congrats on the new addition Jess. I remember my friend's leo had shed skin stuck to his eye. It got infected and he suffered a lot unfortunately. In the end he passed away because it obstructed his ability to eat and see. :( I hope all goes well! Glad your lizards are doing fine.
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