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  1. E

    Bound Eggs

    Update: she's much more alert now and looks less tired. Her appetite is enormous. I think I can safely say she's done laying for now. Thanks for y'all's help!
  2. E

    Bound Eggs

    My bearded dragon, Orlando--who for the last four years of his life I assumed was male--laid 33 eggs over the weekend and 4 more yesterday (4/11). I'm worried that she may have a few more eggs stuck inside her. She hadn't eaten for 3 weeks before she started laying eggs on Saturday. I didn't...
  3. E

    Otherwise healthy, active dragon with chronic diarrhea

    Interesting! I hadn't considered that as a possibility. Thanks!
  4. E

    Otherwise healthy, active dragon with chronic diarrhea

    My dragon Orlando is almost 4 years old. We've had him since he was a baby. Over the last year, he's been struggling with digestive issues that I and his vet can't figure out. Here's his setup: 40 gallon glass enclosure, screen lid Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB T5HO 22 mounted under the screen Zoo...
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