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  1. G

    Updated heating question - Lamps not producing enough heat

    Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll look into those. On a good note, I did end up moving the probe to the top level of his basking decor and I got a high-temp of 92.3 a moment ago but that was with both 100w bulbs going. I think I might return the Zoo med mini dome fixture and buy the large one...
  2. G

    Updated heating question - Lamps not producing enough heat

    Thanks guys! Any recommendations on a good particular basking decor that you guys use that I can pick up from Amazon or a pet store? I’m open to any suggestions. I did just check again and temp has gone slightly higher to 88deg. I believe the material my basking decor is made of is plastic but...
  3. G

    Updated heating question - Lamps not producing enough heat

    Hi guys! I’ve been having some trouble generating enough heat for my beardie. Initially, I purchased a Fluker’s Repti-Clamp w/ dimmer fixture and have been using a 100w incandescent Fluker’s heat bulb with it. I checked temps with my temp gun and was only getting temps in the mid 60s with that...
  4. G

    New heat lamp doesn’t appear to be giving enough heat to my beardie

    Hi Brandon, Yes I’ve been leaving it turned on full power since I purchased it and always have the dial turned until it cannot turn anymore. I believe the dimming capabilities work as well since the output of light increases and decreases based upon which way I turn the dial. At this point...
  5. G

    New heat lamp doesn’t appear to be giving enough heat to my beardie

    Hi Brandon, Sure do! I actually bought a three pack of the same bulb on Amazon and when the first temp readings showed low temp results I took that bulb out and tested with another and got the similar readings. So not sure what I might be doing wrong That said, thanks for the info on temp...
  6. G

    New heat lamp doesn’t appear to be giving enough heat to my beardie

    Thanks for the reply guys. I’ll purchase a digital thermometer probe and follow up here regarding the readings. I do think the heat lamp might not be producing enough heat as the basking stone isn’t very warm at all when I touch it. I’ll keep everyone posted!
  7. G

    New heat lamp doesn’t appear to be giving enough heat to my beardie

    Hi guys! I posted here awhile back regarding my 160watt mercury vapor bulb possibly not giving enough heat to my beardie and I received great recommendations to upgrade my lighting sources. I’ve since bought a Repti-Sun T5 HO terrarium hood w/ 10.0 UVB bulb along with a Fluker’s Repti-Clamp...
  8. G

    spare some tips for a newbie?

    Hmm i’m a newbie myself and one thing I wish I had done from the start was buy the right sized tank for mine. I was one of those that bought a 40 gallon but now I wish i had went with the standard 120 gallon (i think thats the correct size). Oh also lighting is crucial!
  9. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Thanks again all for the help! I did go ahead and buy a new screen with the wide hole along with the repti-sun uvb fixture and 10.0 bulb and a fluker basking bulb and clamp fixture w/ dimmer!
  10. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Thanks guys! As for climbing up on that globe part he did it himself but was unable to get down. After about three hours I got a little nervous and picked him up and moved him to his usal baaking spot. I actually do think that the MVB is faulty because he usually spends 95% of his time under the...
  11. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Thanks Skittles! I’m thinking the same. I like the convenience of it being attached along the side of the tank so I dont really have to bother with moving it when I remove the screen but like how the long uvb fixture seems to provide more uvb exposure
  12. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Hi KarrieRee, Thanks for those links! I think I am leaning towards buying the Zoo Mee ReptiSun T5 HO fixture along with the 10.0 bulb. Is that and the basking bulbs just placed on top of the terrarium’s screen? So when i feed or do anything with the tank I have to remove all of the lights...
  13. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Also, sorry I’m totally new to lighting. What do yoh mean by long tube uvb fixture?
  14. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Thanks KarrieRee. I’ll drop by Petsmart later today to get those digital thermometers. Thanks as well SkittlesK. I really do think I might have a bad MVB. If the temps come out the same I may just go the two bulb route. If either of you have recommendations on what basking and uvb bulbs to buy...
  15. G

    Not pooping

    Hi there, I have a juvenile beardie and he didn’t poop the first three days or so when we brought him home but he did eventually. He usually poops once a day now or at max every other day. Have you tried giving your beardie a bath? I find that if mind hasn’t pooped yet he almost always goes...
  16. G

    160W Mercury Vapor bulb not producing enough heat?

    Hi guys, New beardie owner here. We purchased an all-in-one 40 gallon tank kit that came with a 160w Exo-Terra Solar Glo mercury vapor bulb that is supposed to provide uvb and heat without the need for a second basking/heat lamp. That said, I just checked the temp using an infrared temp gun...
  17. G

    Beardie’s head has been grey for over a week

    Lol thanks. Apologies as well as you guys must get a ton of posts similar to this. It just seemed strange because his apetite appeared to be waning. Thanks again! :)
  18. G

    Beardie’s head has been grey for over a week

    Hi there! We recently purchased a juvenile beardie (name is glenn!) and for the last week or so his head has been completely grey and he appears to not eat as much anymore. He used to be able to eat 30-40 crickets every feeding at night but now is eating about 20 or so. I’ve attached pictures...
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