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  1. ejuncker16's Legacy Uploads

    ejuncker16's Legacy Uploads

  2. E

    Breeding Hornworms

    Has anyone tried breeding their own hornworms? Is it difficult? Is it possible for a regular person to do? My beardie loves hornworms (like everyone’s does) but they are so expensive so I thought I might try to breed them.
  3. E


    So I cannot get my 6 month old beardie to eat. The only thing he will eat is waxworms and hornworms and I know waxworms cannot be fed to them for every meal and I cannot afford to feed him hornworms for every meal. I saw from someone on this website they beardies really like chicken and beef...
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    Picky eating g

    thank you very much!
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    Picky eating g

    my beardie doesnt usually drink water. I have to bathe him and mist him so he stays hydrated because he will not drink from a bowl. Do you think I could use a medicine dropper to put it in his mouth? Is carnivore care expensive? Could I get it from a pet store or do I have to get it from my vet?
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    Picky eating g

    Yes I have tried crickets and I recently stopped buying them because he does eat them either! He seems scared of them or something. I usually hand feed him and when I try to feed him he runs away from the crickets and superworms. I haven’t tried crickets in a while though so I was thinking about...
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    Picky eating g

    What can I do if my beardie will not eat? He is only 6 months old and I can not get him to eat. I tried super worms, butter worms, hornworms, nutrigrubs, and veggies. The vet says he is very healthy but I do not understand why he is not eating. It is very frustrating because the only thing he...
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    Bathing/positive experience

    Actually I use a thermometer to check the water temperature and make sure it is not too hot/cold. I also have a designated clear plastic tub that is not much bigger than my beardie so he can see through it and I don’t leave the water running. Maybe he just doesn’t like water. :/ thanks for the...
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    Bathing/positive experience

    How can I make taking a bath a positive experience for my beardie? He doesn’t seem to like the water very much but I plan on bathing him at least once a day because I want to train him to poop only in the water. How can I make him calm down and be okay with being in the water?
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    Beardie not eating and acting weird

    Thank you.
  11. E

    Beardie not eating and acting weird

    What is a dimer light switch? Sorry I do not know much about the technicalities of lighting. Does getting a dimer light switch mean I have to get a whole new set of lights?
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    Beardie not eating and acting weird

    What do you suggest to get the heat up in the tank? Should I just get another dome light or would a heating mat be better? I use a zilla UVB light that the veterinarian I take my beardie to approved. I also took off the plastic piece separating the light itself and tank so that he can get even...
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    Is it possible for bearded dragons to get anxiety?
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    Beardie not eating and acting weird

    He’s about 7 months. And all of my temperatures are the correct temperature. Cool side is like 75 degrees and the basking side is around 95. This is the temperature it has been since I got him as a baby and he has always done fine with it.
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    Beardie not eating and acting weird

    So for the past couple weeks my beardie has barely been eating. He usually eats a LOT of crickets/superworms in a day and now he is barely eating any at all. I have a set schedule I use to feed him and have been following this schedule since August. Since I noticed he is not eating at the times...
  16. E

    Beardie not eating

    I actually got that information from this website. People on this website have told me many times not to feed my beardie meal worms or super worms because they cause impaction. However, impaction is not what I am concerned about. I am just concerned that he is not eating.
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    Beardie not eating

    My 6 month old beardie is barely eating. He is alert and poops once a day but lately (the past 2-3 days) I have noticed he is not eating much. Every morning I offer him super worms (I know they supposedly cause impaction but has never had an issue with that). Then when I come home from class I...
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    Feeder housing

    What kind of housing do Dubia roaches, and superworms require? Are they difficult to keep up with? I am considering buying some from but I am unsure what I need to care for them to make sure they are healthy when I feed them to my beardie.
  19. E

    Feeding dosage

    Yes, I have had him since he was about a week or two old. This is my first bearded dragon and I love him very very very much. I will just keep offering him fruits and veggies and hopefully he will eventually eat them. Also I will definitely be moving his UVB light to the other side with his heat...
  20. E

    Feeding dosage

    Thank you very much for your feedback! I am going to take the plastic off the bulb and move it to the side of the tank with the heat lamp. Thanks!
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