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  1. Shard

    Dubia Frass Health Risk?

    I always wash my hands after handling the roaches or Xion! For now I switched to a more naturalistic setup at the suggestion of some people on discord and I now wear a face mask any time I mess with it. That way the frass doesn't kick up into the air, it stays in the substrate. The roaches seem...
  2. Shard

    Dubia Frass Health Risk?

    I started breeding dubia roaches at the beginning of the year and they've been THRIVING over the summer, but after recently doing a full cleaning of their bin I started to get extremely sick. I was on antibiotics for a sinus infection, and not even a week later it's back in full force. I'm...
  3. Shard

    Brumation or Something Wrong?

    My girl's been in her cave a lot, refusing greens when she used to be a great eater, and has even started giving me the glare and squinting when I offer roaches. Hasn't been basking and if I put her there she goes back in her cave. She very rarely comes out to look around, maybe dig a bit. The...
  4. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    So yesterday she had the worst poop I've ever seen. She's been like this for the past month unfortunately even with the changes. But while making myself dinner as I cooked up some mixed veggies I had a thought...hey! This mix is all things Xion can eat too! So I defrosted some in warm water...
  5. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    Yes, I assumed as much. Weird how the first poop was getting better then it was right back to making a big mess 😔
  6. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    I didn't measure it out but if I were to be generous maybe under a tablespoon?
  7. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    Aw man, I woke up to another stinky pile of diarrhea. It was just orangey this time.
  8. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    Very fast results! She pooped today and it had a semi-solid shape! Much easier to clean up, if only she didn't do it on her rock :LOL: Thank you so much! How often should I feed her sweet potato?
  9. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    Ran right to it! This girl is a FIEND for anything bright orange. :LOL:
  10. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    I just looked it up and they're not even in the same family?! :oops: You learn something new everyday! Gonna see about getting one to top her salads and see if it helps, not sure when my family's next grocery run is so I asked my grandma if she has a spare :ROFLMAO:
  11. Shard

    Bad at Waving or Issue?

    I got it on video! She was just kinda looking at the wall, I'm not sure if she saw her reflection?
  12. Shard

    The Diarrhea Saga Continues

    Xion's taken the last of her parasite medication and still has's REAL stinky and watery. She's currently back to a 75w bulb since the 100w burnt out (gotta tell mom to not use temu lol) but the basking spot is up to temp (sometimes even gets to 112F, varies throughout the day) but...
  13. Shard

    Bad at Waving or Issue?

    I see it at least once a day, usually there won't be anything else going on around her enclosure. I'll try to see if I can catch it next time! The first few times it was more of a swatting motion though I wasn't sure if at the time if she had leftover fruit juices stuck on her claws since I...
  14. Shard

    Bad at Waving or Issue?

    Xion's started doing this recently, I can't tell if she's just really bad at waving or if there's something wrong with her arms. She's done it with both. While she's bobbed at her reflection before I've never seen her wave until recently. The dust & droplets are because this happened right...
  15. Shard

    Swatting Air?

    I was carrying laundry past her enclosure when Xion started rapid fire swatting the air with one hand, kinda like a wave but like swatting a bug. Does it function like a wave but in a "PLEASE DON'T SQUISH ME WITH THAT GIANT BASKET" way?
  16. Shard

    Age of my girl?

    So I've always been wondering how old Xion is. This has only gotten more confusing as the vet keeps changing her age on records (6 months to 9 months, no measuring or weighing) She was rescued from a garage, so nobody was able to tell me when they got her or how old she is. She was probably in...
  17. Shard

    A Simple Water Dish

    A week later and it was still damp, but needed a refill. I saw 2 lil guys in there so they can get in just fine! No deaths either. Looks like I'll be using this going forward!
  18. Shard

    Constant Glass Surfing in Quarantined Tank

    I found a solution to get her to stop rubbing her face on the glass! She still glass surfs but at least she isn't hurting herself. I just covered the glass a few inches from the bottom so instead she just keeps peeking over the edge at me 😂 good to know it's probably just spring zoomies though!
  19. Shard

    Constant Glass Surfing in Quarantined Tank

    Temps are good, in fact the basking spot is finally around 100F-105F. UVB tube (Arcadia T5) is still good too. She was the same way back before the sand/soil mix too, when I cleaned out the previous owner's random scattering of fertilizer. Something about paper towel, she just seems to HATE it...
  20. Shard

    Constant Glass Surfing in Quarantined Tank

    Sorry I've been making so many threads. For the duration of Xion's pinworm treatment I've replaced her substrate with paper towel, but she's been incredibly restless as a result. Throughout the day she'll run to the front of the tank and repeatedly try to get through the glass, scratching it...
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