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  1. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Yeah, the males guard the nest until the fry are all free swimming. Until then they have zero response to feeding stimuli. He was in a tank full of live food, but was just stuck in dad mode unfortunately. Took a video. It's like a heavy breath and light push sort of motion. Took a quick peak...
  2. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Yeah, it's the only reason I'm pushing her to eat a bit. It's those post breeding nutrients that are huge. Lost our male Betta after he spawned. Female did just fine, had a huge appetite. But the male was dedicated to his spawn, refused food even after being removed from his nest. Built a new...
  3. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    What I'm hoping lol She just crawled in for now and hasn't started digging. Ate some dandelion greens while trying to grab small roaches, but I don't think she was really hungry. She seemed happy just watching them and I kind of had to entice her and she refused when offered a roach. So at least...
  4. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Yeah, that's why I was so excited to see her demolish a bowl of dandelion greens lol She is soooo picky. She goes through spurts where she'll take greens as treats. But in the bowl she very carefully snipes her insects around the greens. She ignores the greens unless they're moving so I have...
  5. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    "I had a really weird poop" lol
  6. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Yeah, first time. Didn't have to deal with this with Wiggles lol
  7. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Daddy, is it safe to go in now? Took all the bark out, put all the substrate she dug out back in and moistened it. Pushed it all to the back so it's nice and deep and put some bark back in the front. A little over half full and about 6 inches deep.
  8. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    When she was standing up earlier I could really feel the eggs and they felt a bit more firm than before. Really hitting the glass waves today lol
  9. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Out and about this morning. Ate more dandelion greens and a few roaches. Walking around you can see that stomach hanging and dragging lol Part of the new garden setup is going to be for dandelions and carrots for both greens and roots. Good thing she's into those too lol Working on a 3d printed...
  10. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Using her built in pillows well lol
  11. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Nah, she was posing. Opened her eyes back up like "was it a good shot?" This one is definitely tabloid material lol "NEXT ON TMZ... IS ALEX HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN?!?!??! ARE THE PREGNANCY RUMORS TRUE? IF SO WHO IS THE FATHER? JOIN OUR INTERACTIVE POLL SO YOU THE VIEWERS CAN DECIDE WHO THE...
  12. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

  13. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    lol With the fish breeding etc... there's a part of me that says "her breeder is getting old, maybe I should reach out and see what his retirement plans are..." Haven't mentioned it to the wife yet, but I think she would support it. She wants to retire running an animal rescue. An established...
  14. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Feelin' pretty good right now :) When I stop she opens her eyes and looks up like "and?"
  15. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Came out this morning. Not sure if she needs to poop or if she's just uncomfortable. Her cloaca seems a little puffy / swollen. Again not sure if getting ready to poop or just waiting lol Edit: As soon as I posted she moved further up the stick. Don't think she needs to poop right now. Going to...
  16. BPSabelhaus

    So, a 3D printer is on its way.....

    Yeah, pretty sure it's exacerbated a larger issue with the print I'm trying. Normally bottom walls are thinner than top. But this is printing face down and I want thicker walls. I think when they are referring to top and bottom walls they are talking about each individual wall layer and not the...
  17. BPSabelhaus

    So, a 3D printer is on its way.....

    Having some issues with bed adhesion lately. I think it's the cold garage. So I ran a small electric heater by the printer and increased the bed temperature. Used this as a test print and it's a lot better. Going to do a couple other things then try printing the large target out again. Just a...
  18. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    She was "out" a bit today and ended up sleeping on her branch. While the lights were still on I had pretty good access to her tummy. Definitely a ticklish like response lol At first she was really soothed lifting her head and smiling. But then I hit the right spot towards the edge and she...
  19. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    So comfy :)
  20. BPSabelhaus

    Alex going gravid?

    Rockin the elf on the shelf legs there lol
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