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  1. ColeDWestin

    New Baby Beardie won't eat - No idea why not

    Yes it is. One of mine to help him recognize my scent easier. When he smells the same smell from the large hand entering his cage, he’ll know it’s friendly.
  2. ColeDWestin

    New Baby Beardie won't eat - No idea why not

    Done and done. I measured, and it's just over 12 inches directly over the basking spot - temp at 105-106*F
  3. ColeDWestin

    New Baby Beardie won't eat - No idea why not

    My apologies for not responding sooner. I was actually running around making necessary changes to ensure his tank was built up correctly the last day and a half. The heat issue was due to a brainfart on my part (I was moving the heat lamps too close together and not noticing the obvious. I blame...
  4. ColeDWestin

    New Baby Beardie won't eat - No idea why not

    Seems I can't do anything right here. Poor guy... Now I got a new problem: somehow the tank is now too hot. 90 in the cool zone, up to 125 in the basking spot (which I immediately moved away from). Should I change my bulbs to a weaker level so they won't be as hot? Doing so might have UV...
  5. ColeDWestin

    New Baby Beardie won't eat - No idea why not

    Managed to get the cool side down to 80 with some adjusting, and basking temp to about 108. Basking spot is also a bit closer to the lamp, within the range you suggested. Gonna buy the various greens tomorrow when I get a chance. Kale will mostly go to my meals going forward, though he seems to...
  6. ColeDWestin

    New Baby Beardie won't eat - No idea why not

    Just got my little Ryu last weekend. He's 4 months old and I want him to have a good life with me. I'm already having troubles with getting him to eat, but I legitimately have no idea why. I've followed all the advice I could from some experts (one guy has owned bearded dragons for over 20...
  7. ColeDWestin

    Is something wrong with his ribs?

    Hey guys. While feeding my Bearded Dragon (his name is Safi) this morning, I noticed a peculiar bump along his upper chest/ribcage that hasn't been there before. It feels like a rib (maybe broken?) and sticks out a bit while he's moving around, but he doesn't react with pain at all, and doesn't...
  8. ColeDWestin

    Bearded Dragon in his cage too long?

    Update: Safi seems to be adjusting to his new environment, but now it seems like he's stopped eating, and is constantly hiding either under the log or in his cave. Doesn't want to be picked up, and he hasn't pooped in a while (mostly because he's not eating) Is it possibly brumation? Or should...
  9. ColeDWestin

    Bearded Dragon in his cage too long?

    I'll make the adjustments, and all should be well. Thanks for the assistance. Safi thanks you especially so. :D
  10. ColeDWestin

    Bearded Dragon in his cage too long?

    Update Just finished putting together a brand new cage (From 40 to now 120 Gallon), and took both your advice and the advice of one of the lizard experts at Pisces Pet Emporium. He's got his basking area, a nice cooler spot if he needs it, the SunBlaster is all set up so he's getting UVB...
  11. ColeDWestin

    Bearded Dragon in his cage too long?

    Alright. As soon as I’m able, I’ll look around for a bigger cage. Left bulb is a Zoo Med 150 W basking lightbulb. Middle is a ceramic heat emitter 100 W. Right is a Repti Sun UVB 10 coiled bulb. The temperatures in the cage are 110, 95 and 90-85 respectively (basking, warm and cool areas)...
  12. ColeDWestin

    Bearded Dragon in his cage too long?

    Here is a picture of his cage. I don't know the exact size, but it's the one he came with from the store (Pisces Pet Emporium)
  13. ColeDWestin

    Bearded Dragon in his cage too long?

    Hey guys, Rookie bearded dragon owner, again showing his worries about if he's being a good parent to Safi, the Beardie in question. He's just recently turned a year old, and he is my baby. I spoil him rotten, but make sure to do so in ways that don't violate the beardie safety rules. But I...
  14. ColeDWestin's Legacy Uploads

    ColeDWestin's Legacy Uploads

  15. ColeDWestin

    Is my Bearded Dragon Dehydrated?

    Safi seems to be doing much better now. He's a lot more energetic than before, and his poop has been healthy.
  16. ColeDWestin

    Is my Bearded Dragon Dehydrated?

    Hello everyone. Rookie Bearded Dragon owner, one who is concerned about his little Safi, seen here: Recently I've been worrying about wether or not he is possibly dehydrated. I've done the "pinch skin test" before and it takes a moment (less than a second) to shift back. I am familiar...
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  20. ColeDWestin

    Need help with my Beardie

    UPDATE Just got back from the Vet. Turns out I did jump the gun a little bit. It's not MDB, not tail rot, nothing serious like that. It was just an abscess, a liquid build up that, from what the vet can tell, isn't infected or anything serious. She says Angus is perfectly healthy and was very...
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