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  1. SunnyThunder

    Sleepy hammock

    Sorry 4 the bad quality pic
  2. SunnyThunder

    Sleepy hammock

    This is Sunny’s new hammock… she took an immediate liking and is sleeping in it tonight
  3. image.jpg


  4. SunnyThunder


    Ummm, has anyone else noticed the CRAAAAZZYY amount of ads popping up ALL OVER this whole website all of a sudden?!?
  5. SunnyThunder

    Art Contest!!!

    Draw, paint, cut out, or take a picture of your bearded dragon, label it, and post it to this thread for the art contest! Post your art here before October 20, and we’ll pick the top three winners! Don’t worry, this is completely optional, but don’t be afraid to show your art whether you think...
  6. SunnyThunder

    Need help with lighting stuff and name :]

    Loki’s a good name
  7. SunnyThunder

    Awesome drawings

    Thanks! But I’m sure you’re good at drawing, you just compare your art to others😉 Give it a shot!
  8. SunnyThunder

    “The Look”

    When she’s sleeping… don’t dare wake her up, or you’ll get an eyeful of “The Look”!
  9. image.jpg


  10. SunnyThunder

    What do i do.? *warning: poop photo*

    What does a beardie coughing sound like?😄
  11. SunnyThunder

    Awesome drawings

    Post your cool drawings here! This is one of mine of Sunny surfing on a bean bag chair with a cardboard surf board:
  12. SunnyThunder

    Missing beardie- need help ASAP

    Yay!!!! That’s awesome!!😄
  13. SunnyThunder

    Comment by 'SunnyThunder' in media '20230928_061135.jpg'

    Wow….that’s very….um…nice😬
  14. SunnyThunder

    Newbie Questions

    Ok, thanks!
  15. SunnyThunder

    Newbie Questions

    Ok, so Sunny’s been trying to burrow lately, is it too early for brumation?
  16. SunnyThunder

    Ripped snout.??

    Honey will help, but a trip to the vet will definitely ensure her safety
  17. SunnyThunder


  18. SunnyThunder

    Newbie Questions

    Hi I have a couple questions in desperate need of answers!!!
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