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  1. N

    Beardies and smoking?

    I imagine like any other living creature that smoking isn't all too healthy for Beardies. My boyfriend and I are both heavy smokers and Nappy's viv is in the living room with us where we spend most our time. We don't smoke while he's out and don't blow smoke near his tank. He seems to be fine...
  2. N

    Why beardies sleep in awkward positions

    Nappy has a routine. He's very OCD and if his sleeping arrangment isn't just right he'll let me know about it until it is :) I have a washcloth in one corner and it's half drapped around a 'hammock' and half on the ground so it makes like a little cavern. Every night Napoleon will walk his viv...
  3. N

    Beardie to Owner Communication

    Has anyone's Beardie ever wagged their tail like a dog?? Napoleon did once, to my boyfriend. We had just moved Nappy from my mom's house to my boyfriend's house and they bonded instantly (never met before). At one point my boyfriend left the room to go to the bathroom. Nappy looked around for...
  4. N

    Beardie to Owner Communication

    The story of Sabrina is adorable! I'm still trying to teach Napoleon to come to me. The only time he does now is when he wants something. Although he does know that in order to come out and play he needs to poop. He'll pace back and forth and I'll say 'NAPOLEON! Poop first!', and he'll give me...
  5. N

    Beardie to Owner Communication

    Hello there fellow Dragon lovers! New here just curious as to what..if any..forms of communication have been adapted between you and your Dragons. By this I mean: Do they give you specific signs when they are or aren't hungry? Let you know exactly when they want to come out? I've had my Dragon...
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