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  1. H

    Dilated Pupils?

    I’ve noticed that when my dragon sees me or hears me, his pupils often get bigger and smaller (like how birds do). I’ve always wonder if it’s similar to why birds do it or if it’s entirely different. Does anybody know why he does this? Here’s a pic of my little man because why not😋
  2. H

    Tail popping

    He’s is a double het genetic stripe. His mom is a paradox!!
  3. H

    Tail popping

    When I gently squeeze my dragons tail, it makes a popping sound. It sounded and felt exactly like popping your knuckles or back. It doesn’t seem to hurt him, it actually kind of seems like he likes it. Have any of you experienced this? Is it bad for him to do this? Pic of my little man for attention
  4. Hjballinger's Legacy Uploads

    Hjballinger's Legacy Uploads

  5. H


    Yea I thought 516 was kind of a lot. He only really looks fat after a big meal and he did a have big breakfast so that could be part of it. I just want the best for my little man?
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  8. H


    I was just curious to see what you guys think about my guys size/ weight. He’s almost 3 years old and I recently weighed him for the first time in awhile. He’s 516 grams and about 19- 20 inches long (he moves a lot so it’s hard to get an accurate measurement?). Is he a good weight for his size...
  9. H

    Heat bulbs

    I do check the wattage and make sure the dome can handle it, they still burn out fast. Thank you though!
  10. H

    Heat bulbs

    Thank you, I’m using a 40 gallon breeder tank. I know now that it’s on the smaller side but he gets plenty of time outside of his cage to explore
  11. H

    Heat bulbs

    What kind of heat bulbs do you guys use for your dragons? I’ve just been using the reptile heat bulbs from the pet store and they burn out SO FAST. I spend $10-$15 per bulb and they burn out sometimes within a few days. I always have extras on hand because of this but I’m sure there are better...
  12. H

    Moving to a new state with beardie

    I have a bearded dragon named simba, he’s about 3 years old (I’ve had him since he was a baby) and I am going to be moving out of state. It’s about a 4-5 hour drive but I don’t want to leave him behind. If I absolutely have to, I will find someone to take care of him but I want to move him with...
  13. H

    Dubia roach food??

    I haven’t ordered any more food yet, I was thinking about making my own roach chow. I’m not really sure how many is in the colony but I’d guess about 500
  14. H

    Dubia roach food??

    So I have a decent sized roach colony and I keep having to buy more food. They go through A LOT if I keep food in there and I haven’t been feeding them enough because I run out too quickly. Would making my own food be cheaper? What would be good to crush up and put in it? If you have your own...
  15. H

    Yellow fungus???

    Thank you, I just wanted to be safe and catch it before it got too bad if it was yellow fungus. I was kind of scared for a minute, I know yellow fungus can be really bad
  16. H

    Yellow fungus???

    I noticed some spots on my dragons belly. I’ve given him a bath and it didn’t come off (although I couldn’t really rub it at all since he sqirms all the time. I’m worried that it’s the beginning of yellow fungus. If not, what could it be??? Thank you!!!
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  19. H

    Why does my beardie lay like this??

    That’s so funny??. He always has one leg hanging straight off his log or anything he’s on, it’s so funny, it just dangles there?
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