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  1. VerriKerri

    Poop Concerns

    Ah, okay. I was unsure because it was getting really hot into the 100-105 area and I thought it might be too much so I switched out her light for a 75w from a 100w but I will switch it back. Thank you!
  2. VerriKerri

    Poop Concerns

    Thank you for your reply! I came home from work to find this, Do those seem normal? That first one seems very big for her size and she didn't eat yesterday or today and I think it was because of this. I want to get her diet right so she can go back to having normal poops and not too loose or...
  3. VerriKerri

    Poop Concerns

    Hello everyone! Been a member here for a while but haven't had the need to post lately. I have a question about my beardies poop but first I will give you some backstory and tank set up since I know you'll want to know all that. :D Dixie is a 6 year old beardie. For the last couple of months...
  4. VerriKerri

    Dried Calci Worms

    Well on the chubby website it says: "A whole variety of animals love the natural goodness in all our 'Chubby' products including wild birds, reptiles, fish, hedgehogs, budgies, sugar gliders and many more. Although you can buy live calci worms, dried calci worms are just as good with the added...
  5. VerriKerri

    Dried Calci Worms

    Hello all! Just have an interesting question and would like some advice from my fellow beardie lovers! My beardie, Dixie just came out of a very long brumation which scared the crap out of me but thankfully she is fine and the vet said she looks great! Normally while she is in brumation I offer...
  6. VerriKerri

    Questions about starting Dubia

    Okay, thank you very much! I will try them out. I'm sure she will like them she's not very picky. Hopefully they won't creep me out too much!
  7. VerriKerri

    Questions about starting Dubia

    Thank you for your reply! Yes, she is an adult she's 4 years old. Should I put them in a bowl just like I do with her crickets now? Will they crawl out or should I feed her in a separate tank? What are they like? I am so nervous to see them lol
  8. VerriKerri

    bearded dragon going nuts

    I would try feeding him something different. I don't think earthworms are a good staple for bearded dragons. Have you tried caliworms/phoenix worms or dubia roaches? Sometimes the combination lamps don't give off enough UVB so that could be the reason he isn't eating well. Also try the covering...
  9. VerriKerri

    I am blackbearding because .... (a lighthearted compilation)

    Because my mom got me a new log to hide under and took away the old log I was way too big for! Because mom gave me a bath so I would be clean to go to the vet! Because the cat won't stop looking at me!
  10. VerriKerri

    bearded dragon going nuts

    Hello there! I am no expert but I wanted to give you some tips based on what I have learned here on this forum for several years. Do you have a UVB lamp in the tank for him? Also I see you said he has a water bowl in the viv and it's not recommended for them to have water in the tank as it can...
  11. VerriKerri

    Questions about starting Dubia

    Hello everyone! I haven't posted in a while mostly because everything has been going well with my beardie! Dixie has been going into brumation frequently (which I figured was due to our ridiculously long winter) and it made me a little worried there might be an underlying issue so I made her a...
  12. VerriKerri

    Egg Laying?

    So, I just tried the sexing trick with the flashlight for the first time. I've had my beardie for about 2 years now and turns out, She's a girl. (Time for a name change I guess.) But I was just curious, She's never shown signs of having to lay. Does this mean she will never lay eggs or should I...
  13. VerriKerri

    Green Spots on tummy and vent issue??

    Okay I will tell her that. Any idea what might be going on around the vent area with the little squiggly stuff coming out?
  14. VerriKerri

    Green Spots on tummy and vent issue??

    Hello everyone. I'm posting for a friend. She sent me a message on Saturday with some concerns about her dragon. After seeing a few pictures I told her she should take him to the vet. I just checked in with her and it seems she hasn't done so yet and intends on taking him to see one of the...
  15. VerriKerri

    Help with Tile for Enclosure

    Hey guys! Been a long while since I've posted on here. :) Dixon is still doing very well and we recently moved so I figured it'd be high time for me to finally put tiling on the bottom of his viv. I'm just curious as to if there is a certain kind of poxy that is safe for keeping the tiles on the...
  16. VerriKerri

    My bearded dragon's right eye is not opening

    The changes will be good for him even if they aren't exactly the problem. I would also try what Esther19 said about the saline solution. He might have something in his eye that you can't see if it's only just the right one. Hope he gets better soon. :]
  17. VerriKerri

    My bearded dragon's right eye is not opening

    Hello again, I don't think this is due to sleep deprivation. It is important to know if you were/are using a ReptiGlo or a ReptiSun/Arcadia. Though the two sound the same the ReptiGlo has been known to cause eye problems and this could be the reason for him closing his eyes all the time. The...
  18. VerriKerri

    Petco rant. D:

    What's really bad is they had like 6 open tanks available that they could have put the big one in. I don't think it will do me much good to complain considering the girl in charge of the reptiles thinks she knows everything and when I bought Dixon from there she tried to tell me to buy walnut...
  19. VerriKerri

    Bearded dragon's side cut open

    They make liquid bandaid but I'm not sure if it would be safe to use with bearded dragons or any pets for that matter.
  20. VerriKerri

    Hennessy LOVES

    LOL this is great! Thanks for sharing. :mrgreen:
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