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  1. RarestDragon's Legacy Uploads

    RarestDragon's Legacy Uploads

  2. R

    Dragon Sitting

    When you let him out to roam around be sure to keep an eye on him and make sure there isn't any loose material laying around that could be dangerous if he eats it. Also, if you have any other larger pet in the house, dog or cat, don't trust them with the dragon. Keep them separated. Any dog...
  3. R

    I got chomped by my bearded dragon

    I hand fed my girl since I got her and when she was a bit younger she would go for my fingers if I just held them up to her mouth a certain way (index and thumb touching as if I was holding a roach) though usually she would see that I had no food before she tried to take a bite. She eventually...
  4. R

    Gravid, or just summer craziness?

    I'm having the same problem. But for me, it started back in February. Back then she wouldn't eat at all. Then in the beginning of June, she became lethargic, but ate a few bugs now and then. Now, she's super active again but will also eat two or three bugs a day, which is comforting for me...
  5. R

    A bit lethargic but is eating now.

    Not sure if you intended me to quote you but I haven't heard back since my last post. In your experience, what is the longest time you've seen a dragon take to come out of brumation? If that's the issue with Lyrica, then I'd say it's a bit odd for a bearded dragon to wait four months to...
  6. R

    A bit lethargic but is eating now.

    Her setup has been like that since I got her when she was a month or so old. Last time I visited the vet, he said she was a very healthy dragon. Better than most he sees. Update on her, she was running around her cage and pushing against the glass, wanting to get out. Usually that means she...
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  10. R

    Is this Tail rot?

    I'd also like to add that for a lot of beardies, their tail gradually gets darker near the tip. If you look at pictures of other beardies, you'll see what I mean.
  11. R

    A bit lethargic but is eating now.

    Okay, she ate a little more today and is more alert. Only two roaches but they had vitamin powder on them, which makes me happy. I'd still like to know what's going on, though.
  12. R

    A bit lethargic but is eating now.

    Yep, it's a reptisun 10.0 two foot long tube that, like I mentioned, sits about eight inches away from her if she's on her basking log.
  13. R

    A bit lethargic but is eating now.

    Last time I took her to the vet, which was a couple months ago, he couldn't find any parasites. And she eats roaches from my own personal colony. Dubia roaches aren't known to carry pinworms.
  14. R

    A bit lethargic but is eating now.

    Okay, I posted a few months ago with concerns about my dragon being extremely active but not eating. About a month ago she began to slow down. Then for the past three weeks she's been almost lethargic. She still moves around, especially when she wants to go under her log. Sometimes she'll...
  15. R

    Is my beardie actually a Leatherback?

    Yes, he's a leatherback. He's what's known as an American leatherback. That means most of the scales on his back are smooth with a couple of bumps here and there. My girl is the same way. If your dragon's scales were completely smooth with no bumps then he would be considered an Italian...
  16. R

    Very active but hasn't eaten after brumation.

    As for me, Lyrica still hasn't lost a ton of weight. She stays at around four hundred twenty something-ish grams. She's still not eating much, just the occasional mouthful or two of greens. There are some days where she lays around and doesn't do much but watch me. Other days she's...
  17. R

    Beardie not eating or pooping and wont quit glass surfing.

    I'm actually having a similar problem. I've made a lay box for my dragon but every time I put her in it she just tries to climb out. I also don't feel or see any eggs.
  18. R

    Normal poo?

    Looks normal to me.
  19. R

    Very active but hasn't eaten after brumation.

    Okay, I got a scale and weighed her. She's somewhere between 440-445g so whatever weight she's lost in the past two months it's been very little.
  20. R

    Tail rot?

    Nope, not tail rot. A lot of beardie's tails get gradually darker near the tip, especially when shedding.
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