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  1. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    Spray bottle 5% bleach. First remove the waste with latex glove and add to mini compost... Iam about to grow my own dandylions. vacuum area spray bleach solution. sponge dry then I use a steam cleaner on the areas then redry. I do this while Ruth eats his lobsters in a seperate bin and/or while...
  2. tenchi80

    I dont understand it???

    A dragons natural reaction to danger is to be still and try not to move. This is one of the reasons that B dragons make good first time herp pets. Even though it was easier to hold him when you first got him it doesn't mean he was happy about it. Well now that he's a little more used to you and...
  3. tenchi80

    Who are you?

    Thanx. Montel eh? Not really but my ethnicity changes with the light i'm under LOL. I'm a mutt. Straight Grand parents, Dad = Spanish, French, Japanese and Philippino. Mom= Spanish(central american) North american Indian, Lebanese and South American Indian. :? I don't know where I belong :lol:
  4. tenchi80

    Who are you?

    Andre 27 and my wife Christin 26. I'm a manager who's not using my graphic design college education. So I must pool my energies into the three cats one ferret and now a 9 week old beardie. I live for my wife and my animals. Ivy on the bottom and Sam (Fisher) in the background Ndasi (who is not...
  5. tenchi80

    New Translucent baby!

    Beautiful girl. As for a name, Meridian came to mind for some reason. Seems tropical to me for some reason, go figure. :wink:
  6. tenchi80

    eating, drinking, pooping, basking, heating and living?

    Night time temps can go as low as 65F and still it will be okay. If it gets lower than that then I'd get a ceramic heater or a black light bulb. I use a black moonlight bulb for three hours at night.. it keep them temps at around 80F plus the beardies can still sleep and I get the pleasure of...
  7. tenchi80

    eating, drinking, pooping, basking, heating and living?

    Basking spot 105 to 110F for a young beardie Paper towel is perfect cheap AND easy. :wink: The tank size is okay FOR NOW, but youll have to invest in at least a 4'x2'x2'. And prolly two of them because unless you have two females on your hands then some limbs might be lost soon. Lights off =...
  8. tenchi80


    Cloak and Dagger? Ecco and Narsicis (sp)? Honor and Glory? Nova and Pulsar? Himalaya and Mimosa? Cytisus and Nightjasmine? Taalem and Senneth? Dire and Nuphar?
  9. tenchi80


    Nice additions. Mmmm, a good name for a pair... Well I kinda liked Havoc and Malice. They were the names of two of my ferrets, god bless their furry behinds. :cry:
  10. tenchi80

    I'd like to introduce Ruth

    Thanx again guys. So far Ruth is ajusting well to his encloser. As it stands I've had him two days now and I'm excited to start getting him ajusted to me as well, though I'll give him some time to relax a bit and realize i'm the one bringing him food. Have any of you a method to getting a baby...
  11. tenchi80

    I'd like to introduce Ruth

    Np, I'm very proud of it. ty very much for you comments Here are some pics
  12. tenchi80

    I'd like to introduce Ruth

    Hey guys, after all the prep and studing :study: I have finally received my 7 week old baby dragon, Ruth. Energenic one too. Ruth took to climbing the encloser with the speed and grace of a dancer. Should be a handful. Now the real questions will begin. Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!! Here he...
  13. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    UPDATE I found a great deal on fake foliage from Hobby lobby. The single fake plant from a local pet shop wanted $17. I got theses from Hobby Lobby plus 4x more than what is pictured here, all different species of plant for $10. (And don't worry I've got a Temp gun) :wink: And the...
  14. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    I only got 100 to start off with. didn't want to get over my head. I mean they are roaches no matter how they look at them. Very interesting behavior they have. Anyway i'll introduce the 1000 if I feel ready for it... Im not sure how much my beardie will eat so i'm kinda guessing numbers.. the...
  15. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    YEah like I said I like to do my research Pheniox worms become Soilder flys.. huge nasty poop eating soilder flys. the flys don't even have mouths they breed then die. I looked into silk worms ... the general census is that they are hard to breed. I can't say for myself as I've not tried yet...
  16. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    Well I want the colony of lobsters to be strong before I let them know they are only being sacrificed to a greater being. I feel a little sorry for them, not enough though :twisted: I've already ordered Pheniox worms and I was thinking of breeding them as well but given their diet I think I'll...
  17. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    Ah don't worry about that. I have a temp gun as well as a UVB 10. inside. The moonlight bulb is just for a little warmth if it gets cold and also it makes a nice atmosphere. The heat lamp emits UVA as well... heat spot rings in at 105 at peak, full bright light, and cool spots (other side of...
  18. tenchi80

    Viv pics only thread

    Here's my project, I haven't even gotten the dragon yet but I hope he finds this a good home 4x2x2. Here is some inside shots My wife custom made the tapestry. She is a huge Pern fan as well as a lover of dragons over all :D Best surprise is that the moonlight bulb i have in there...
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