Recent content by WeirdBeards

  1. WeirdBeards's Legacy Uploads

    WeirdBeards's Legacy Uploads

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  3. W

    Loss of color and scales, very sick beardie

    My baby has been sick for almost a month now. It all started with her not eating. Next we notices swelling on her neck and on either side of her spine in the shoulder area. Then she started to lose color where the swelling was and individual scales. She lost quite a bit of weight (about 30g in 2...
  4. W

    Questions about witblits and Zero paring

    Kugmo! Love your Instagram feed. Yes! Vis zero x vis wits is how you start a wero project. You get 100% het zero wits, which paired with another het zero wit produces weros!
  5. W

    White Bearded Dragon

    Phantom dragons LLC is def still in business. One of the best breeders in the states for sure. They are the ones who developed the zero morph to be as strong as it is. They only have a fb and Instagram, no private webpage. I just purchased a hypotrans dunner zero het wit from them about 2 months...
  6. W

    Trans breeding

    I've talked to a couple breeders recently about this. It's still not safe to breed vis trans x vis trans, but you should be fine at this point to breed vis trans x het trans AS LONG AS you know your vis trans comes from a line of het x het pairing. You dont want to continuously breed vis trans x...
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