
April 26
Beardie name(s)
Beardie's Birthdate
Sep 2, 2020
Beardie's Gender
Adoption/Purchase Date
Jun 30, 2024
Daily collard greens, dandelions, Locusts (Around 3x a week), Blueberries 3x a week, carrots 3x a week, 15 mealworms 5x a week.
Enclosure Dimensions
90cm W, 55cm D, 1.3m H
Enclosure Temperatures
Cool side 28c warm side 33c basking spot 38c
Thermometer Type
Digital with a probe
UVB Source
Arcadia D3 Mercury Basking Lamp, Repti Glo compact UVB Coil
UVB Placement
Inside enclosure around 15cm from rock.
Basking Light
Arcadia D3 Mercury Basking Lamp
Basking Schedule
12-14 hours
Play sand + reptile carpet.


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