Recent content by ScarvedDragon

  1. S

    Where to feed?

    I personally use a plastic litter box that I bought at Walmart. I feed my bearded dragon crickets and they can't jump over the side or climb up the walls because it is too slippery for them. It prevents them from going anywhere
  2. S

    Vet Recommendations in Chicago?

    My bearded dragon is around 6 - 7 months old and I wanted to get her a fecal test and a check up but I'm not sure on which one I want so if anyone in the Chicago suburb area new a good one and maybe a price estimate?
  3. S

    What food can i feed my bearded dragon besides insects

    they do need insects as part of their diet but bearded dragons also eat a variety of veggies this website has a list of veggies and fruits that they can eat -->
  4. S

    Happy beardie???

    they look very happy and warm considering their light yellow coloring :) looks great
  5. S

    New beardie eating troubles

    they do stop eating when they are full. He also could be adjusting to his new environment and not eat much over the next two weeks. He just needs some time to adjust and it differs from dragon to dragon
  6. S

    Feeding bowl size?

    I use one of those corner bowls for Bilbo's salads as well. To feed her crickets I have a litter box that I bought awhile back but never used (Due to getting her instead of a cat) the bugs don't escape and she is able to walk around and hunt for them. I think it gets her natural hunting instinct...
  7. S

    Is this shedding?

    I would just watch to make sure it all comes off when it is ready. Don't pull any skin because it could cause undeveloped skin to be exposed and injure the reptile. If it does get stuck gently use a toothbrush to scrub it off while giving her/him and bath.
  8. S

    Over feeding my baby beardie?

    Bearded dragons will eat until they are full so it should be ok. Their stomachs are designed to flatten out to better absorb the sun so it is completely normal for their stomach to widen
  9. S

    Is this shedding?

    It looks like a normal shed to me
  10. S

    Not Sure What to Title This...

    Hey it's going to be ok. Bearded dragons need some time to adjust to their environment so they might not eat much during that time. It could take up to two weeks for them to adjust. My bearded dragon will tend to get sleepy around 6:30 and want to cuddle and go to sleep around that time even...
  11. S

    Mouth rot?

    Mouth rot is more like a yellow or orange skin around the mouth. It's most likely that your baby is shedding. Because babies grow really fast in their first year this will happen alot.
  12. S

    When to get a stool sample checked?

    ok I thought so Thank you
  13. S

    When to get a stool sample checked?

    My bearded dragon Bilbo will be 6 months soon and I saw somewhere that I need to have a stool sample sent in around that time to check or parasites. She is perfectly healthy, but I was wondering if that was correct or if I should wait until before brumation/when she seems sick
  14. S

    Baby food to promote bowl movements?

    I have used an even mix of prune juice and olive oil for any apparent back ups.
  15. S

    pet store dragons

    I bought my beardie at a Petsmart. She was 2 months old and 11 inches long. She has been perfectly healthy and tame. She even cuddled with me on Day 3. Though she did scratch at the glass when I was looking at her, so she probably picked me rather than me picking her.n
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