Recent content by momof29802

  1. momof29802's Legacy Uploads

    momof29802's Legacy Uploads

  2. M

    Send pics of your tanks!!

    Here's Luna's tank. :) She loves her hammock. We put her tree next to it so she can climb up there. She never climbs down though - she jumps.
  3. 83176-4477226012.jpg


  4. M

    Can beardies eat strawberry tops?

    Not the strawberries themselves but the greens on top? Our beardie doesn't like fruit but I thought she might like the green tops left over from our strawberries. Thanks! Lisa
  5. M

    temp question....

    When you are checking the temperature of the tank, do you put the thermometer right under the lamp? We have ours on the side of the tank but not directly under the lamp. Just want to make sure we are getting an accurate reading. Thanks, Lisa
  6. M

    How much salad?

    I know they always say 'as much as they will eat', but I am wondering how much is typical? 1 Tablespioon? 1/4 cup? 1 cup? Thanks
  7. M

    How long is too long for a bath?

    Luna has been in her bath for about 45 minutes. She generally let's me know when she wants out but she is just hanging out today. Is there any harm in a really long bath? Thanks!
  8. M

    Are radish tops ok for beardies?

    Thank! Is it safe to assume that beet tops are ok too?
  9. M

    Are radish tops ok for beardies?

    We picked some radishes from our garden and I was wondering if we could feed the tops (the green part) to Luna. Thanks!
  10. M

    The cat and the dragon..

    Our cat is very interested in our Dragon. We are nervous that the cat will attack the Dragon so we try to keep them separated. This morning, however, the Dragon was running around and saw the cat. The cat ran and the Dragon chased her. It was quite a sight!
  11. M

    Digging in carpet?

    Luna is about 7 months old and (we think) female. Lately, when we let her run around the living room, she tries to dig in the carpet. This is our first beardie so I am not sure if this is normal behavior. Is she digging like she needs to lay eggs? I thought she was too young for that. Is she...
  12. M

    our beardie jumped :(

    Our beardie jumped off my daughter's shoulder and landed on the floor. She is walking fine and doesn't seem fazed by the incident but should I be worried? Thanks!
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