Recent content by memjay

  1. M

    Surprise you got a new pet!!

    Earlier this year I took in a 3 yr female beardie who was unable to be cared floaded have given her a loving wonderful home. But this story isnt about her, its about my new boy Popeye. I work as a landlord and last month I had someone who was set to leave the middle of February. We had made...
  2. M

    Gravid Female Only Laid 1 Egg

    It was confirmed that she had been with a male before. But the circumstances surrounding her back story are a bit murky. I have been unable to get a consistent answer about her being with a mate. Its been a yes, then a never, then a few years ago, then last year, the answer always changes, and...
  3. M

    Gravid Female Only Laid 1 Egg

    ****UPDATE**** This morning I woke up and Bossy had laid one egg on her mushroom, there was a little bit of blood and poop. Her one egg looks perfect and healthy. I was in shock but got her moved to her lay box and now she isn't doing anything. Please tell me if there is anything I can do...
  4. M

    Gravid Female Only Laid 1 Egg

    Hi Everyone, I need some advice on my girl. She was just adopted yesterday and came with her entire set up. She is already happy and well adjusted. Every time she sees me she scrambles to get out. The couple times she has persisted enough to get out, while I was giving water and checking her...
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