Recent content by GoatsandRoses

  1. GoatsandRoses's Legacy Uploads

    GoatsandRoses's Legacy Uploads

  2. G

    I just want to be prepared for the worst....

    Just to finish this thread: Clara went to the vet today. The vet's almost positive that it IS yellow fungus, although the full culture won't be back for another two weeks. Although right now Clara is active and in good spirits, the vet didn't give us much hope for her long term (and it may not...
  3. G

    I just want to be prepared for the worst....

    Forgive this question, but I just want to prepare myself. My husband and I are in our early 50s and have recently gotten a few reptiles (crested gecko, Merauke skink, Bell's Forest Dragon. My husband had an iguana in the 90s, and loved his iguana, but we decided that was too large of an animal...
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