Recent content by eunos20b

  1. E

    Black beard, beard not out, fast head bobbing

    Yea he's still alright, so maybe it is. Just seemed to last a long time.
  2. E

    Black beard, beard not out, fast head bobbing

    Hi all, I let him sleep on me and now he's chilled out. Weird how this didn't happen yesterday. Maybe he likes me more than I thought, or I'm a good heat source...
  3. E

    Black beard, beard not out, fast head bobbing

    Hi, Had him a year he's been absolutely fine. A few days ago randomly he started bobbing and having a black beard pretty much constantly so have tried several variables - he's well fed, with tinned crickets and lettuce/broccoli etc but he hasn't eaten his greens for weeks and I can't force him...
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