Recent content by Cubsfan44

  1. Cubsfan44's Legacy Uploads

    Cubsfan44's Legacy Uploads

  2. C

    Swollen/broken foot??

    Hi Tracie, Thanks for your advice! I’m using the T8 tube UVB inside the tank, temps are great and he’s eating well. I just hope it’s a sprain but I’ll find out later this week at the vet. So many things go through your mind when you see something like this especially when his mobility is...
  3. C

    Swollen/broken foot??

    Thank you! I hope it isn’t broken and just sprained. Any suggestions how to care for him until we see the vet later this week?
  4. C

    Swollen/broken foot??

    Hi everyone, My 3.5 month old bearded dragon has a swollen foot. I’m not sure if he got it caught on his new hammock or if he injured it in some way. I’m taking him to the vet next week and wondering if anyone has any advice in the mean time. It seems like he can move it but doesn’t put any...
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  8. C

    Is this Tail rot or normal?

    Okay thanks! I wasn’t sure if the lighter color (grayish) leading towards the bottom of the tail was bad or concerning. Other than that he seems healthy and happy
  9. C

    Is this Tail rot or normal?

    He was the very last one at the pet store. It looks like it was damages from a cage. There’s no open wounds and I’m not really sure what next action I should take of how will affect him
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  12. C

    Is this Tail rot or normal?

    Not sure if this is tail rot or just his coloration. Please any advice will help!
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