
Beardie name(s)
Beardie's Birthdate
Sep 24, 2021
Beardie's Gender
Beardie's Length
11 inches approximately
Adoption/Purchase Date
Mar 30, 2022
Collard Greens, Dandlion Greens, Buttnut Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Crickets, Superworms, BSFL. Salad 2x per day, Bugs 2x per day.
Enclosure Dimensions
4x2x2, Zen Habitat
Enclosure Temperatures
Warm side of tank (air) 90-94F, Cool side (air) 79-82F, middle of tank (air) around 85F, basking surface 100-120F
Thermometer Type
Digital with a probe
UVB Source
Arcadia 12% 24" UVB
UVB Placement
Mounted inside the enclosure. 11" - 16" away from basking points, but he has multiple levels to choose from.
Basking Light
150w Zoomed basking bulb with reflective hood. He also has a 100w CHE connected to a thermostat with probe thermometer directly beside the basking spot.
Basking Schedule
Zen Habitat bare floor, a removal rug for his cool side.
Enclosure Setup Pictures
  • 278113871_303688005075098_6563422618218564316_n.jpg
    Filesize: 178.2 KB
    Views: 74


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