Recent content by Blm216

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    My breaded dragon is not eating

    At that age, though late in the year, he could be going through brumation. Brumation is the equivalent of a bear’s winter hibernation, but the dragon’s body doesn’t shut down as completely as the bear’s and only becomes dormant. Are there any other symptoms? Is he still basking?
  2. B

    Mouth rot?

    Could be mouth rot. Eating well before this? If so what was in the diet.
  3. B

    Mouth rot?

    Mouth rot is generally seen more with iguanas. Though it can happen. Where did you adopt it from? A breeder? One of my dragons has a completely different color on the mouth, and she's not a paradox. Is he/she acting normal and eating well? Can you add a side picture and if possible one of the...
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    Beardies Eye Rolling!

    When Bearded Dragons shed they will puff out their eyes to shed them as well. Yet, this is not constant and that doesn't explain the eating problem. The main thing to remember is that reptiles are completely different from us mammals and what seems crazy to us is normal for them. However, if you...
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    shedding problem

    Heads can take along time to shed. Generally longer than the rest of the body. If you feel you need to do something, you could pick up some “shed aid” at your local pet store.
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