Recent content by BantamEarth

  1. BantamEarth

    Surprise beardie-shower for my wife

    This perfect, Thank you for this!
  2. BantamEarth

    Surprise beardie-shower for my wife

    I can't think of a better way to spend this rainy Sunday afternoon!! Thank you for your helpful insight!
  3. BantamEarth

    Surprise beardie-shower for my wife

    Thank you for this insightful feedback! I'm going to start doing some research about these and see what she thinks (subliminally).. the Rankin being smaller actually has my interest more.. how big do they typically get? And how long do they take to grow?
  4. BantamEarth

    Surprise beardie-shower for my wife

    You have no idea.. I'll earn an infinity stone for this one I'm sure!! And thank you so much, I greatly appreciate it! I am here in florida so any help is appreciated. At the moment I'm trying to understand the different types of bearded dragons there are and which would be best for her...
  5. BantamEarth

    Surprise beardie-shower for my wife

    Hello everyone! I'm here to better understand the animal my wife has been absolutely crazy about. We have a number of other reptiles but no dragon, yet.. I build custom enclosures as a hobby so the promise has been once I can better understand the care taking of this particular animal, we can...
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