Recent content by Afontana102

  1. A

    Wierd Mouth Thing

    Hi, My 7 month year old beardie is doing this wierd motion with his toung. He seems like he is trying to flick his toung at the sides of his mouth. It kind of seems like he has something stuck in his mouth. Is this something anyone has sceen? Should i be worried? Here is a video...
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    Wierd Breathing

    He shed earlier this week, he had nose plugs then. We rearanged the room he is in recently and he is now on the same level as his brother but they cant see eachother. He has not started the medication yet for his parasites, we are waiting for the weekend so we can directly monitor the first...
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    Wierd Breathing

    Hi all, My Beardie is about 6 months old now, and I have had him for about 4 months. Today i have noticed him doing some wierd breathing: he breaths deep (his beard puffs a little) and then almost seems like he holds the breath. Its concerning to me because its a new behavior, he was recently...
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