
Topknot87's Legacy Uploads

Dude remove the red lights. Drop your bullshit opinions based off your "breeder" and actually follow real breeders that know what they are doing. You are blinding your bearded dragon with that nonsense and all though there is no scientific research on red lights 90 percent of legit breeders will tell you that red lights ARE NOT ok for bearded dragons. They aren’t snakes, they need to be treated more delicately. They don’t use a red bulb in the wild so why would you ever think it’s okay to use one in an enclosure. Snakes have a much different eye sight so handling it the way you are is super selfish. I’d do more research and actually take the advice of others rather than being that mansplaining douche, but considering you posted this in 2018 I’m sure the dude is already blind or dead. But for his sake I hope not and you actually changed out that red bulb, there are plenty other alternatives for heat and I hope to god you and your beardy are now thriving, and if not I’d consider rehoming the poor guy to someone who will actually do what’s best for him.

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