post surgery

  1. K

    Weird behaviour after surgery?

    Hi all, I hope I am posting this in the correct place. Last Friday 25th August, our beardie went in for spaying surgery as she had follicular stasis that was quite bad and infected. She was pretty normal leading up to it, she had lost her appetite for a couple of days a week prior but she was...
  2. S

    Advice Needed Please! Post Surgery Recovery

    Hi Everyone, So my beardie (4-year-old female) had surgery a few weeks ago to remove a mass that the vet believed to be a sarcoma (needle biopsy lab tested). Please see the photos. The vet and I were monitoring it for a month and it kept growing. During the time prior to the surgery, she was...
  3. Casey C

    Head Swelling Post Surgery

    Hey all! It’s my first post on any forum really however I feel it necessary to see if anyone else has gone through something similar. My Beardie, Storm who is 11 years old recently went through her first clutch of infertile eggs. She only passed 1 before needing surgery to remove the remaining...
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