
  1. Selkie1993

    Update on Lily! + Gravid questions

    Hi Everyone! I hope you're all doing well, including your scale babies :) Just wanted to post an update on my newest beardie Lily! She's been doing great and GROWING like crazy! We are currently dealing with coccidia but hopefully on the mend soon! Here are some pics of my darling Lily...
  2. Z

    Pooped While Sleeping

    Hey guys, I have some concerns about our bearded dragon. Last night I woke up at around midnight and noticed that he pooped while sleeping. I did take him off his platform, cleaned the poop, and got him a new blanket. It was almost as if he pooped and slid forward. He did briefly wake up while I...
  3. Tigger_14

    Best foods for beetles

    Im starting a mealworm farm and i just had three pupas turn into beetles what are the best things to feed them? If anyone has a list of things ? Other then like carrots and potatoes
  4. Monpetitchou

    How much is a juvi beardie supposed to grow a month until adulthood ?

    I'm curious bc we got Falcon back in Jan at 12" long when he was roughly 5 mo at 103g. He's currently 9 mo, 252g, 15" long. He's been 15" since beginning of May. I don't know if growing 3" since Jan is slow or normal I'm having a hard time imagining him getting any bigger. I went to the pet...
  5. C

    Am I doing this right? Is he growing?

    I have had Daryl for about a Month and i think he is 2 months old i am not sure. He is only small (13.5cm) so (5.5inches) and i don’t think he is growing or i am feeding him enough.I feed him live crickets (10) every morning before school and i give him fresh Greens and either cucumber, carrots...
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