basking help

  1. C

    Hi there! New dragon owner here!

    While waiting for his new tank to come in, I went out to get him so food and a new basking spot for him because he has a log that he loves but I didn't think it was enough for basking, he does have a hideaway but rarely uses it so I got him a ramp. He liked it at first and then I saw him laying...
  2. zonkey

    New Owner, basking light help??

    Hi all, I have a 50 gal (36 x 18 x 18) tank, and will be getting a baby beardie here soon this month. However, i am really struggling to figure out what basking/heat light(s) to get. I've just read a lot of different thoughts on the wattage, for example. I'm not sure what to do. I am thinking...
  3. K

    Tips/recommendations for inside tank lighting?

    Hi everyone! We have two bearded dragons and for the longest time, especially for our older dragon, we’ve been using an Arcadia UVB and a 100 W basking bulb on top of the mesh of the viv. Our older bearded dragon is now in a 4 x 2 x 2, and I’m interested in putting a basking light inside of...
  4. K

    My basking light keeps turning on & off

    Hi guys, I'm using a echo tech dimming+ timer+ night time drop digital thermostat. I'm trying to get my basking light to stay on for 12hrs plugged into the dimmer. When it get to temp its seems to slowly turn my basking light off.... Then turn it on few mins or so when it needs to lift the...
  5. S

    Best Recommendations for Lighting/Heat in 4x2x2 Enclosure

    Hi Everyone! I'm feeling super overwhelmed by the amount of different information out there on Youtube and such so I was hoping you folks could best help me decide the best/healthiest setup for my enclosure. My beardie is about 4 years old now and just successfully had a sarcoma mass removed 2...
  6. G

    Beardie wont bask for long

    Hi! About 3 weeks ago i adopted what i now know to be about a 6-8 month old beardie (thought he was an adult but some awesome members helped me age him), his name is glizzy! Our original set up which was given to us at a reptile only pet store was a Powersun Heat plus UVB. It wasn't getting...
  7. K

    How to raise basking temp in temporary enclosure?

    Hi all! We just adopted a 12 month old beardie. He was a family turn in, so I don’t know his full history, but he’s soooo sweet and docile. We’re currently in a 40g tank, but currently deciding if we want to build a 4x2x2 enclosure ourselves or buy one from Zen habitat or Dubia (suggestions...
  8. L

    I need help please!

    Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and still pretty new to owning a dragon. I need some help. I’ve done lots of research and tried different products and tried different ways of setting up the tank and I’m just at a loss here. I did just fill out the account info on the products/setup I’m...
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