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  1. dylanravenj

    Dying dragon, please help

    Hello all, I haven't had the time to frequent this forum anymore but I am now begging for your guys' help. For the last month or so my four year old male, Trey, has been eating much less than he usually does. I figured it was just brumation so I wasn't worried. However, now he has lost weight...
  2. dylanravenj

    Bit of Betadine in my Beardies Eye. Help!!

    Great, I hope he gets better! :)
  3. dylanravenj

    Bit of Betadine in my Beardies Eye. Help!!

    I use saline made for "sensitive eyes" on my animals. You could probably find some in any store with a pharmacy section :)
  4. dylanravenj

    Bit of Betadine in my Beardies Eye. Help!!

    His eye is just probably irritated. Try flushing out his eye with some saline solution :) I wouldn't worry too much, he probably just needs the eye flushed out
  5. dylanravenj

    What got you into bearded dragons?

    Four years ago I started volunteering at a nature center doing reptile care. I fell in love with the bearded dragon there and knew I had to have one! I am so grateful for my volunteer job as it has ignited a love in me for reptiles in general and completely changed my life :)
  6. dylanravenj

    Honey for healing??

    Oh my god that poor baby! Did you get any type of skin scraping done on one of the sores? It looks like it could be possibly some sort of severe fungal infection :( What did the vet have to say about them? Manuka honey can be used as a way to soothe burns, scrapes, wounds, etc. I use it for my...
  7. dylanravenj

    Beard puffing in and out

    Just giving it a stretch! My boys do it every morning :D
  8. dylanravenj

    bearded dragon infected skin or funges help??

    Oh dear that looks like very advanced yellow fungus. I have a beardie who caught it from an infected rescue I had a almost two years ago. It's a hard thing to deal with. As said, lamisil and chlorohexidine baths will help a lot, it's done wonders for my boy. I also treat him with Reptaid to help...
  9. dylanravenj

    Wax Worms

    Yes keep them refrigerated or else they eat each other and will pupate into moths :puke:
  10. dylanravenj

    Stress Marks

    You could try making him feel a little more secure by covering up some of the sides of the tank :)
  11. dylanravenj

    Rescue Beardie Sudden Death?

    Are you positive he's dead?? Try warming him up quickly, he might end up actually being alive. There have been a lot of cases where people thought their dragons were dead but were actually mistaken!
  12. dylanravenj

    my beardie is burying himself at night...

    As stated, loose substrates can be very dangerous. Especially ones like wood chips that have sharp edges and can damage a dragon's digestive tract if ingested. I have to agree that tile is the best way to go. It is very easy to clean, retains heat well, and carries no risk of being ingested...
  13. dylanravenj

    my beardie is burying himself at night...

    Yes a lot of beardies like to get all snuggled in something while they sleep. But can I ask what substrate you're using?
  14. dylanravenj

    skittish dragon

    Baby dragons are often very skittish. One thing that I've found works is to wait till they've fallen asleep at night, wrap them in an article of your clothing, and let them sleep on you :) Try doing this as often as you can. Just keep being consisted and don't worry! Dragons who are handled...
  15. dylanravenj

    New here and to beardies

    You should order bugs online! You can get a large amount for a fairly cheap price. Some good sites are and You can feed crickets, hornworms, silkworms, Phoenix worms, or roaches. I would stay away from mealworms, they have a shell that is hard for dragons to digest.
  16. dylanravenj

    New here and to beardies

    As for the color morph, it's hard to tell if you don't know the dragon's lineage. He is definitely a cute little guy though! A ten gallon tank is really too small for a dragon as they need to be able to regulate their body temps with the use of a cool spot. A ten gallon tank isn't large enough...
  17. dylanravenj

    I need help with my baby beardie!!!

    As you said, baby beardies can take a while to adjust. Definitely usually longer than three days. My first beardie took over two weeks to fully acclimate. That being said, it is normal for him not to be interested in food yet. Try to to worry yourself! As a suggestion I would try to bump up...
  18. dylanravenj

    Treats? What about salads?

    My dragons have never turned down dandelion greens, a lot of dragons like butternut squash as well :) I'd steer clear of any fruit
  19. dylanravenj

    Are dragons really beginner reptiles?

    Yeah I've gone to petsmart before only buying 200 crickets and they were shocked that I would feed a beardie that much :?
  20. dylanravenj

    Are dragons really beginner reptiles?

    I agree wrong info is still a huge problem which is a shame considering their popularity.
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