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  1. N

    Taking beardie outside

    I have had my bearded dragon for about a year now. Her name is Bo-ann. ( First named Bo, then found out that Bo was a she, I didnt wanna change her name completley so came up with this : ) ) She looooves to sit on her rock and look out the front door, but if you take her outside she gets really...
  2. N

    Bo and the new beardie Spike!

    My finance' and I have had our beardie for about 2 months now. My soon to be brother in law (who is 12) had a fit over Bo (our beardie). We told him that if he wanted to help out with Bo and save his money we would take him to get one. So for the past month he's been watching me take care of Bo...
  3. N

    Which type of worm should I get for my beardie? Please help!

    I have had my beardie for 2 weeks now. He is young (about 4 inch not including tail. Im about to order him some worms online. Which should I get . . . ? super worms wax worms pheonix worms butter worms hybrid red These are the choices. Thanks so much!
  4. N

    first time ordering crickets online and need help with size!

    i have had my beardie for about a week and a half now. i have been buying crickets from the pet store, but they are always to big. so im going to order some online. i am now at a site called they have size options, but i dont know which to get. he is probley about 5-6 inch...
  5. N

    look at my new beardie, does these look like stress marks?

    I got a new beardie Friday afternoon, so I know it could be from the stress of moving. But I could not tell if these were stress marks, or just the markings of beardies. Please let me know what you think and if you do think that they are stress marks, what can I do? Thanks for all your advice...
  6. N

    lighting questions for my new beardie

    Im still trying to understand the lighting. While I think all is going very well, I want to make sure that my beardie has the best lighting. I got my beardie from Petsmart, so I had an associate helping me get things and well, we know that somtimes they dont know as much as they think they do...
  7. N

    Couple of questions about my new beardie

    I got a new beardie Friday night. I am a new beardie owner. I was wondering about the baths. Is this a must? How many times a week/month? When should I start bathing my new beardie? I dont want him to freak out on me when I put him in the water. Also, how do I know my beardie wants to be held...
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