Had enough!! Please help, if you can!!

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Juvie Member
As some of you know I work for Petco. I have had many personal issues with my store as well as the company as a whole(or corporate). I was part of the success in getting the store I work for to use carpet instead of sand, and for a while it seemed as though things, as far as care for all the reptiles, especially the beardies were moving up. Unfortunately a few things have been going on lately that have flipped the lid for me and I have had enough.

First, we just recently started getting beardies back in for the season. They have been very tiny and we have lost many of them for different reasons, some we don't know. I found out a couple days ago, for who knows how long, that the heat was not working in their tank. My manager made a comment about how well they're doing since the heat was fixed. Now my question is what exactly is up with that since the temps and such are computer controlled, and the office computer is supposed to inform when something isn't right.
Second, I have repeatedly told them that their salad and veggies have to be practically diced up since they're so small. And, that it needs to be rinsed well before placed into the bowl and into the tank. I have noticed many times that the pieces of salad haven't been cut up at all!! Here we have beardies the size of my finger, and they expect them to eat pieces that are the size of three of my fingers. I have made the comment many times, as an example, for them to tie their hands behind their backs and eat a full size watermelon whole!! That this is what it's like for the beardies, but still no change.
Finally, and one of the things that upset me the most, is they have put a bowl of moss and water in the tank! I finally took it out today and told those that were their why this is so horribly wrong for those small babies. They mist them morning and night, which I have told them is okay, but to be careful not to overdo for the fear of respiratory infection. I mean even our "caresheet" for them states that their humidity should only be at 30%, so why are they adding more moisture to the tank after having so many pass???
Oh... another one: Whenever anyone else sells a beardie or has a customer come in who already owns one, I hear other employees stress feeding them mealworms (plus they are always in our tanks). Now they are the mini ones, but still. Ever since I first read about how bad mealworms are here I pass that info onto the customer. I mean I work at Petco, "Where animals come first", right??!! I have tried to express my feelings about this but it seems usless since everyone is "trained" to sell the mealworms.

And... I think what did this all in is when I read an article on the company computer during my break. "Carpet is the New Reptile Substrate!", the headline read. It pretty much states that it has been approved for each store to make its own choice on whether to use sand or carpet, and that carpet is now available to order for store use. But, the part of this article that really tweeked my pickle is the following: "There is a lot of speculation in the reptile world - and even among veterinarians - that sand substrates can cause impaction in reptiles." -- I know, that isn't that bad, but that follow that with: "To date, there have been no scientific findings pointing to sand as the cause of impaction in reptiles," said Dr. Tom (side thought - who the hell is Dr. Tom??). "Necropsies performed on PETCO reptiles have come back with a diagnosis of intestinal stasis unrelated to sand, but rather caused by a bacterial, viral, or parasitic disease. The sand happens to be in the gut at the same time of finding because reptiles do ingest small amounts of sand." Now, personally I just feel like that was a bunch of crap to make employees feel better about using sand, but again that is just personal.
I know it is a bunch of crap. After writing it out here, I realized that it states its case from PETCO's findings and not that of all cases including ones outside PETCO, but I know... I have read here of cases caused by impaction and I just don't understand why they can't add that important detail. I myself even tell customers that it is their final choice what they use, my job is to inform them of what they have available to use, and (I feel) which ones just may be more harmful than good.

I have posted a couple times about making up caresheets for my store, and also a notebook with all kinds of info including things from DIY to roaches. I have, unfortunately, been unable to finish it like I wanted to months ago - life always brings something to drag me away from my extra activities - but now I feel it's a MUST!!! And, I feel (well I know) they will not listen unless I supply proof of what I state. So, I need your help people!!! PLEASE!!! I have the next three days off and have decided that this information needs to be done and taken in on my next scheduled day. I will be doing alot of searches for proof for different things including sand causing impaction; the danger of high humidity with respiratory infections; the importance of nutrition - which salads are good and which are bad, how important dicing up the salad is, that just because the bag says pre-rinsed it still needs to be rinsed before fed to the beardies; the importance of the rule of thumb about their food and the space between their eyes; not housing more than two together; needing more than a 20 gallon tank.... and just anything else I can think of. Trying to find all this information is going to be very time consuming, so I am hoping to get some help from people here to save me some time so that I will be able to finish this in 3 days.
I need whatever proof I can get!! If you know of sites stating cases, please give them here. If you yourself have personal experience with anything you'd like to share as far as healthy care for a beardie, please share here. I know that there are some here that have personal experience with impaction, etc. but I need your permission, and as much info from your experience that you can possibly give. I need anything and everything people!!!!! I don't know why, but I kinda feel like this is my last chance to make a difference in their care at the store I work for. I do plan on passing along the information up the chain of command and on to corporate, but for now, for after these 3 days it starts with my store. I can't take it anymore, watching these precious tiny creatures of beauty pass because PETCO chooses not to inform their employees with ALL research and cases.

So, this is my last time posting about this. PLease PLease help!! If you have experience and have told your story, leave some info, permission, and the link. ANYTHING PLEASE!!! Yes I am begging!!

I would like to state and point out, considering I am leaving what could probably be considered "private information about Petco", that I am not posting this to further inrage those who hate petco, or for anyone to use as ammo, or anything of the negative. I am posting this because I love my job and those animals, and I am posting this for information to help the knowledge of those I work with and help better the care of those beardies!!! Because to me, the ANIMALS DO COME FIRST!!

Thanks =)


Hatchling Member
we haven't had any personal experience with impaction or anything, but I know Jasper'sMom has dealt with it with CJ and there are several others who have gone through it too. If I can find anything I'll send it your way. How about talking to your vet??? Get a signed statement from them, too.


Gray-bearded Member
I truly do wish there were more people like you that worked at pet stores. I also wish that more people like you would own these pet stores as well since that is where many of the problems originate. For most, it is about the bottom line and that is it. What i also really would like to see pet store employees not giving advise or trying to pass themselves off as some kind of expert when people ask questions. That is the most dangerous part about the whole thing in my opinion. When joe public goes in and gets advise he thinks he just got good advise because of that and now stops his quest for info.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Well thanks everyone! I know many people who work for different pet stores who are very passionate about animals and what they do. The thing that needs to be remembered though, and maybe nicely pointed out to one if ever in contact, is that these employees know and sometimes only know what their employer has taught them. I was that way once, and I thought that I knew all that was needed to know. I was taught that mealworms were "the best", that spraying and practically soaking the beardies tank was an act that made them healthier, that calci-sand and crushed walnut were the best things to come about, and more. I tell fellow employees as well as customers that you never find out too much about an animal, especially one that is your own. I always give what I know and add that they can search online (and of course I write down this site for them) for the most updated information, they can visit a library, or even an upcoming reptile show in the area to learn more.

Yes, I have read many sad stories of impaction here as well as other places. Like I said though, finding some of them will be easy, but I want as many as I can possibly aquire and it takes time to do that much research. I figured even if I get a few links or thoughts, stories, etc. that would help my time to where I could find even more and making my case even more convincing. I would appreciate anything anyone can offer, and I thank you for thinking of me if you find anything yourself.
Thanks for the advice about talking to my vet. Spike was impacted due to crushed walnut and food that was too big. I will definately have to give her a call and see if I can get my hands on more paperwork than I already have.
I didn't mention that specifically above: If you have personal experience, or know someone who does, and can email me or even send me any paper work (copies of course) from the vet that would just be ... all I can think of is AWESOME!! I can't remember if we can post our email adds or not (I know there are some groups that do not allow it), so although I don't think that is the case here, if it is I apologize: if you have anything you can email me to help me out, my personal email add is [email protected]. You can also of course contact me through here, and if you would rather mail it to me let me know and I will give you my home address. I know I won't receive anything mailed within the next three days, but being told your story and then being able to provide proof of that even if it's in a few days is better than not at all.

Again thanks to all of you! Again, feel free to add anything! If you think of something you don't want me to forget, or whatever let's hear it!!!


Gray-bearded Member
GoFast":7e8e9 said:
What i also really would like to see pet store employees not giving advise or trying to pass themselves off as some kind of expert when people ask questions. That is the most dangerous part about the whole thing in my opinion. When joe public goes in and gets advise he thinks he just got good advise because of that and now stops his quest for info.

Being in the business of Quality Assurance and Training, it would seem to me that PetCo could probably do right by alot of their customers and their employees by implementing some sort of "Subject Matter Expert" training program. Find out what the interests of the employees are and have them train to be experts in those subjects. Learning is much more fun if it's something you enjoy. Work is as well.

I know this doesn't help you in the way of contributing to examples of husbandry (although I do have a rescue that had aquarium lighting for a year and a half and my female is missing a foot and has a bad tail nip - pet store), but it may be something for you to suggest for long term.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Meathead: WOW! thanks so much! See, I always do yahoo and always forget about google.... I have found, in the past, that google gives you more on the first few pages than yahoo does though, and sometimes some that doesn't even show up through yahoo so you have given me some I may not have otherwise found.

Neromom39: We do have something like that at PETCO. They are called 'CAS' - Certified Animal Specialist, and you can get "certified" in each of the four areas: fish, reptiles, birds, and small animals. I don't think the problem lies in whether somone is "certified" or not. My manager is the "reptile specialist" and she is one who does most of the things I complained about in the first place. Being certified in something means nothing if you only learn what they teach you, and especially if their knowledge is wrong. Another problem is fear - fear of losing your job. I have explained different things like substrate and mealworms to co-workers, but when they sell a beardie they still sell those mealworms because we are taught to sell them and told to push as much product as possible. Many associates don't want to "step on toes" and ignore what they were initially trained to do in fear that they can lose their job. Yes, this of course is really unfortunate and quite sad! Like I said, as long as you are stating and doing what is BEST FOR THE ANIMAL, we shouldn't feel pressured one way by corporate and it's people.
Me, I have stated many times, "Go ahead fire me. I am not and will not sell a mouse or mealworms to anyone for a beardie!"


Sub-Adult Member
this is what i do not understand. how are the temps in the erptile display cages computer controlled? where is this temp. taken? because everytime i go to petco and hold the beardies they are cold as ice even with lights on.


Hatchling Member
You know that law they want to pass every year to keep us from having exotic animals? I wish they would pass that for pet stores. I seriously do. They can barely take proper care of Cats and Dogs let alone exotic animals. Make it to where the only way you can get a beardie or any other reptile for that matter, be from a licensed and experienced breeder. Its crappy that places like petco don't know how to take care of these animals or don't care enough to take care of these animals! Then they act like know it alls and tell you how to take care of them improperly. Had it not been for finding this website I fear the worst for what might have happen to MeatHead. Its sad seeing all these posts where people have bought baby beardies and they were told "oh feed it 3 crickets a day, or feed it baby mice....you only need a 10 gallon tank for it....." wow. I really wish they would pass a law to outlaw pet stores from selling exotics. I know a lot of you would disagree but its so heart breaking seeing this in 95% of the pet stores in the Cincinnati area. I can't tell you how many pet stores around here just have these guys on heat rocks, nothing else. :banghead:


Gray-bearded Member
While I agree that a lot of companies don't do the right thing, going to breeders isn't always that great either. Some breeders still swear sand is perfectly fine as a substrate and that dragons have no problems living in groups. I feel that people buying any pet should have to do research and be able to prove that they have by taking some type of test and getting a license.
I now wish I had saved the xrays from when Fire Dreamer died because I stupidly believed a private breeder and had her on sand, never had uvb because I was told by the breeder it wasn't needed if she was near a window and she ate lettuce because again I listened to someone who was out to make profit not educate.

I applaud what you're trying to do Dolphin


Hmm... Not ALL pet stores are like that... The one I work in is pretty cool. During my interview they asked me what my interests were. At the time my expertise was in exotic animals and birds. So, they trained me, gave me classes on the anatomy, common and uncommon diseases, proper care and feeding, and then once you have all that, you're put in charge of making sure that all of the animals are cared for that way. They even encourage you to do research and they update their procedures based on the knowledge we bring in! No one is allowed to work in the department unless they are passionate about the animals they are taking care of, and you are even trained in administering medicines to your animals (Vet tech). Most pet stores are NOT that way, I agree with you... But it'sunfair to say that NONE of them take proper care of the animals. Especially since caring for animals is MY job.


Hatchling Member
EzzieM":9195d said:
Hmm... Not ALL pet stores are like that... The one I work in is pretty cool. During my interview they asked me what my interests were. At the time my expertise was in exotic animals and birds. So, they trained me, gave me classes on the anatomy, common and uncommon diseases, proper care and feeding, and then once you have all that, you're put in charge of making sure that all of the animals are cared for that way. They even encourage you to do research and they update their procedures based on the knowledge we bring in! No one is allowed to work in the department unless they are passionate about the animals they are taking care of, and you are even trained in administering medicines to your animals (Vet tech). Most pet stores are NOT that way, I agree with you... But it'sunfair to say that NONE of them take proper care of the animals. Especially since caring for animals is MY job.

I'm not trying to say all of them, I don't doubt you do your job well and great. I wish more pet stores hired people like you!! And I have been to the pet stores (Namely mom and pop places)where they take great pride in taking care of the animals. I meant no offense promise! It's the ones doing the horrid job that I would like to see corrected sooner than later. I can't tell how frustrating it has been to go back to my pet store for things I need like vitamins and such, knowing that the pimply faced kid taking care of the reptiles had us convinced about how to care for our bearded dragon. Only to find this site 5 months later and come to find we have been unknowingly abusing the poor thing. I spoke out of anger and frustration. I'm sorry guys. :oops:


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Ezzie: Where do you work? And, if it's close to me, which I doubt it is, are you hiring? :wink:
Sounds like you work for a really nice place. I wish Petco was more worried about education and took more interested in the animals to where they took our take on things into concern.

Meathead and all: I don't think we're ever going to find the "perfect" pet store, and I don't think they are gonna go anywhere any time soon. I feel the frustrtion though and not just because I work at one. I have visited many other pet stores and wonder how they stay in buisness - they smell horrible, look disgusting, and the animal care straight out sucks. It has taken me a while, as I am not known as an outspoken person, but as with my situation and opinion it needed a voice. Nothing will ever be done if we do nothing. We have to find our inner voice, what drives us to want them to change and let it be known - to them. It may not seem as though they are listening, but I am starting to believe that they are beginning to. When I first started working for Petco things were much different than they are now. Yes, they have ALONG way to go... but they have definately started to make changes in the right direction. And, they have done that because people out their didn't give up on speaking out. Places like Petco have to do things the way that corporate tells them to. People can lose jobs if they don't, and at least right now jobs are very important - one reason I still work their!! I don't think taking away certain animals from petstores are the answer. Personally, I love the fact that I can walk into work and see those little beardie faces. Yes, I am sometimes saddened that some their don't know about their proper care, but knowing that their there makes me want to walk through that door (and besides who would take care of them correctly is I were to quit?) I think doing something like making sure employees pass certain tests etc. is more of the way to go. It won't be easy though as this will mean more money being spent by the companies for training and such, but I think it is the best way to go about it. I think something in general should be done with petstores in general. I hear people complain about Petco, but have been inside other petstores and leave wondering how the animals in their have survived because it is just so discusting throughout the whole store.
I don't know. It is definately a difficult subject. All I know is that change will not come if we don't let our voices be known, and I don't mean just through here.

Now, there are many other postings where we can continue this type of discussion but in this one I would like people to help me out as I originally asked. My voice can't talk by itself and needs proof to back it up, so please help if you can :D


I work at Pet Smart :) I don't know if ALL pet smarts operate the same way but I know that they at least are similar because they have ridiculous amounts of 'protocol'. (My store is in Jacksonville, NC)
Pet smart is pretty much always hiring, (we have a ton of people that came from Petco and every single one of them complained about the same thing: that everyone pretty much does everything so no one knows enough about specifics.)

To apply, go to http://careers.petsmart.com/ and choose "stores".
I will say that it's very hard work (as in : you have more work to do than anyone else in the entire store) and the department you're looking for is "specialty" or "pet care" (same department, different names).
Good luck! :D (pointer: during the interviews, they are looking for people who get excited about animals. If you aren't, they won't hire you.)

I wasn't mad, meat head :) I was just presenting another perspective :)
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