
June 9
Beardie name(s)
Beardie's Birthdate
Feb 14, 2022
Beardie's Gender
Beardie's Length
17 inches
Adoption/Purchase Date
Aug 9, 2023
10-12 Large dubious per day dusted in Calcium with Vitamin D/or without D, Multivitamin (on certain days of the week). I offer him turnip, collard, and mustard greens daily and sometimes cilantro and dandelion greens. On certain days he gets mango or another approved fruit (he loves mango). On certain days he gets certain veggies (i.e. yellow squash, carrot, broccoli, green beans). I coat the greens in a bearded dragon salad dressing and sprinkle with bee pollen. I have also tried sprinkling the greens with dried insects. He STILL will not eat the greens as he was never offered anything but some crickets in his early months with being fed only super worms until I adopted him almost three weeks ago. He immediately ate 16 dubious and acted as if he was starving. He was a little underweight when I adopted him. He is now filling out quite nicely.
Enclosure Dimensions
48 x 24 x24
Enclosure Temperatures
Basking area 98 degrees. Cool end around 84 degrees.
Thermometer Type
Digital with a probe
UVB Source
T5 HO inside tank 34" bulb 10.0
UVB Placement
Inside tank
Basking Light
100 watt bulb placed on left end.
Basking Schedule
14 hours and 14 hours for UVB 10 hours of no lights and in a dark room. Will decrease light hours in the winter.
non-stick black mat
Enclosure Setup Pictures
  • tempImagex9esLA.jpg
    Filesize: 266.8 KB
    Views: 39
  • tempImagejjOgGH.jpg
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    Views: 50



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