laying eggs

  1. Beardielover9000


    Hello everyone. My beardie just laid her first clutch of eggs, I was wondering if they appear to be fertile or not fertilized. Honestly they seemed to be great at first but now they’re not doing very well. Any advice would be wonderful. Photos attached are when she first laid, vs the end of the...
  2. O

    Abnormal Behavior in Female Beardie, age 3

    Hello! My female bearded dragon laid eggs on September 23rd, about 3 weeks ago. She laid at least 17 eggs that all looked normal, well formed. Then her behavior was normal, until about 3 days ago. She has become extremely hyperactive, glass surfing and digging quite a bit, basically behaving...
  3. Sandy's World

    Found 1 egg in bearded dragons tank. She's gravid, Help!

    My beardie Sandy just turned 2 years old in January. Just tonight I found 1 infertile egg in her tank! We did not breed her, and this will be her first ever clutch of eggs. She has been glass surfing more than usual, is more hyper, and her tummy looks a little bit big. I'm afraid she'll die if...
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