feeding help

  1. kaylahoneyy

    Best Food for my Beardie - I do not trust google

    Hello, everyone! My beardie is currently on a mealworm/cricket, kale, and bell pepper diet that she's pretty much getting sick of. What are some other greens/veggies that are safe for my dragon? TIA :)
  2. Juno

    My beardie stopped eating, should i worry?

    My little dragon has been eating voraciously for almost 3 weeks now, but he suddenly stopped eating. It has been around 3 days since he stopped, and I've periodically kept him hydrated just in case. I had a bearded dragon before that unfortunately passed away cause i realized she was sick too...
  3. W

    Feeding/Drinking Question

    Hi all - It's been awhile since I posted here and my little guy (well he's not so little anymore he's about 22"/23" long! He'll be two this coming September) has been doing well, but I feel like I've been having a battle of wills with him over food and water. Tldr; my beardie seems healthy but...
  4. Jordanbryant

    Baby bearded dragon being picky??

    Hey guys! So I got my beardie about 2 months ago. I’m thinking she is about 3/4 months but I am not 100% sure. She LOVES her greens and eats them every day no problem but is picky when it comes to bugs? Now I am feeding her crickets, wax worms, and the occasional hornworms. Also I’m saying picky...
  5. S

    Feeding Veggies to a 3 months old

    Hello everyone. I'm a newbie to keeping beardies, but have read quite a lot of internet and saw info that some people start to feed veggies to their pets at about 6 months, when their eating tastes change. So my question is - should I just give up on veggies at the moment and feed only feeders...
  6. L

    My Bearded Dragon Absolutely LOVES Pumpkin!

    So I’ve rotated 20 different types of veggies and greens for my bearded dragon. He is about 5-6 months old and foot long with tail. While he picks at certain vegetables and greens he ABSOLUTELY LOVES pumpkin. He gets excited immediately and eats a bunch of it. More than anything else I put in...
  7. Hiedi

    How many bugs to feed per day?

    Make sure you're not squeamish about live insects because your beardie needs to eat between 40-60 live roaches, worms, or crickets per day! is this an error?
  8. H

    Baby Beardie Barely Eating

    Hi everyone! I got my first baby bearded dragon 4 days ago, and she has barely eaten. Within the first 24 hours, she ate maybe 5 crickets. She became really lethargic after 24 hours. I noticed her temps were off, so I got a better basking light, and her temps are good now. 95-105 in the hot...
  9. L

    I need help please!

    Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and still pretty new to owning a dragon. I need some help. I’ve done lots of research and tried different products and tried different ways of setting up the tank and I’m just at a loss here. I did just fill out the account info on the products/setup I’m...
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