
April 16
Beardie name(s)
Beardie's Gender
Beardie's Length
12 inches
Adoption/Purchase Date
Mar 24, 2024
daily mix of spinach or collard greens and various veggies, occasional piece of fruit. We alternate insects every day, so 10-15 crickets several days a week, 5-6 mealworms around once a week, around 10-15 black soldier fly larvae on occasion, 2-3 hornworms around twice a week, and 2-4 large dubias a couple of times a week.
Enclosure Dimensions
48"W x 24"D x 18"H
Enclosure Temperatures
Basking spot=104F, warm side=89F, cool side=77F
Thermometer Type
Digital with a probe
UVB Source
36 inch reptisun t5 HO 10.0
UVB Placement
on top of screen, 7ish inches from basking spot
Basking Light
zoo med repti basking spot lamp 75w in a reflective double dome, the second half of the dome has no bulb
Basking Schedule
8AM to 8PM
Mixture of Jurassic desert sand, organic fertilizer free topsoil that I baked, and excavator clay
Enclosure Setup Pictures
  • 20240430_110744.jpg
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  • 20240430_110702.jpg
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    Views: 19
  • 20240430_111643.jpg
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    Views: 21


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